1. For me LAZINESS is the opposite of creativity ( BECAUSE WHEN I GET LAZY, I DON'T DO ANYTHING CREATIVE).2. REJOICE BY KAREN KINGSBURY AND GARY SMALLEY was the last excellent book I read. 3. I like fill-ins because THEY GIVE ME SOMETHING TO POST ON MY BLOG. 4. In nature I like looking at WATERFALLS. 5. MIKE HUCKABEE should win the US elections. 6. The last time I laughed with all my belly was LAST NIGHT AT SOMETHING DWANE SAID. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to WHO KNOWS WHAT??, tomorrow my plans include NOTHING and Sunday, I want to WATCH THE DOVER RACE!
Beloved says: "This week I decided to get my questions from the WWW. I typed "getting to know you questions" into google & picked my five favorites." 1. Is it easier to forgive or forget? Easier to forgive. Because I have been forgiven much, it is easier to forgive others. There are still things I remember from 20 years ago. Does that mean I haven't forgiven? I don't think so. I don't dislike the person because of what happened, and it doesn't hinder my everyday life. But, I still remember. 2. If, like the characters in the Wizard of Oz, you could choose a Heart, Courage, or a Brain--which would you take? If I really could only have one, then I would pick a heart, so I could love. However, in all honesty, I think my heart and my brain are ok (not great, but ok) as they are. However, I really lack courage. I have a really hard time trying new things. 3. Have you ever wanted to change your first name? If so, to what? I'm pretty happy with my name. I've always loved the name Elizabeth, and Mom calls me that sometimes. "That's a big one, Elizabeth!" After all, Lisa is a form of Elizabeth. I like Elizabeth because I had a great-grandmother with that name, and one of my very best friends in high school was Elizabeth, and she got to use the nickname "Beth", which I really like. (And she was pretty, nice, smart, a talented cheerleader, and had beautiful handwriting, too. I think I was jealous.) 4. Which insect would you choose to eliminate from the world? This is tough!! I guess I would get rid of the mosquitos. Other than being food for bats, they don't have any use that I know of. Plus, Caleb is allergic to mosquito bites, so it would make sense to get rid of them. My next choice??? BEES!!!! I am scared to death of them. I know that they do a lot of good for the world, and I know that they are in short supply right now. It's just that I have never been stung, and I think it's the fear of the unknown. Guess that's why I need Courage. 5. If you discovered you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do for the rest of today? I would do everything I could to make sure that everyone I love has a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. (Thankfully, most of those I love already are Christians with relationships with Jesus.)
I just have to share this website with you: It is so much fun! " Story of Girl Meets Car". There's a "personality test" you take, and it matches you with you car "soulmate". It takes your personality into consideration, as well as practical aspects, such as gas mileage, size, and price. It's a really fun quiz to take. My top 4 car soulmates are: Volvo S40, Toyota Corolla, Hyundai Elantra, and Mercury Milan. A Scion tC also showed up as a possibility. I saw one of these this past weekend in Topsham, and I thought it was a really beautiful car. Of course, the fact that it was my favorite car color didn't hurt. (I like that light silvery blue color.) Another car that I think I am in love with: the Mazda RX-8. If I ever win the lottery, I am so after that car!
For anyone who may be interested... The St. George School Chorus Concert and Dessert Buffet are scheduled for June 10 at 6:30. Eben will be a featured soloist for the song "Boondocks".
Wow! What a busy Memorial Day Weekend we had! Let's see how much I can remember... On Friday night, we went to the movies. Dwane and Eben went to see the new Indiana Jones movie (which was declared AWESOME!) Alice and I went to see "Baby Mama". I would call this movie "cute". I was really in the mood for some big belly laughs, and didn't get that, but it was still a fun movie. I just think it could've been made funnier. What was funny was my pants when I left the movie. At Flagship, you now add your own butter to the popcorn. When you squirt it, it trickles down on one popcorn kernal. I wasn't coordinated enough to actually push down on the "squirter" and move the box of popcorn around at the same time, which would have provided greater coverager. Instead, I just put about six squirts on the popcorn. When I got to the bottom of the box, I had popcorn soup. The popcorn was swimming in butter. Literally. When I stood up, I found butter stains on my jeans, from my waist, all the way down to my ankles. Despite my best efforts at spot-treating the stains, and washing immediately, I now have spotted jeans. Great! On Saturday morning, we went to Funtown. It was the first time I had ever been there. It was a fun day, but a long one. Funtown has nothing on Busch Gardens or King's Dominion, but when you compare the cost, I think it was a good buy. We were there for about 6 hours and did about everything but the log flume ride (too cold). At Busch Gardens, you'd have a very, very difficult time getting everything in in one day. Busch Gardens is much more modern, and Funtown could use some serious updates (especially the Galaxie Coaster--which looked scarey). The Excalibur Wood Coaster was fun, and I had my eyes open for almost the entire ride. This is something I am very proud of--the first time I went on a coaster (The Loch Ness Monster at Busch Gardens) I had my eyes closed for the whole ride. I do much better now. We stopped at the Maine Mall on the way home for supper, and we got home about 10:45 PM. Sunday was church in the morning, then lunch at Mom's. It was a very good lunch (roast pork, prime rib, garlic smashed red potatoes, homemade bread, yummy bars), but Billy Rhythm and his family were unable to come because Matthew was sick. We ran some plates up to them after lunch. At church Sunday night, Julia and Matthew were baptized. It was a wonderful service, and I cried through pretty much the whole thing, which was to be expected. I got some good shots on my camera, and I hope that they come out well. (I have a shot of Julia actually IN the water. Those of you who have been to a baptism know how long you are actually under, so it's amazing that I was able to capture it.) Yesterday, we had to have Eben in Tenants Harbor by 8:30 AM for the parade. He marched with the Boy Scouts. Dwane's Dad and Step-Mom, and Dwane's Mom and Significant Other, came over from the L/A area, and Mom joined us there, too. It was a short parade, but nice. We had a cookout late morning. Mom had to work, but Ma and Aunt Ginny were able to join us. Pretty much a traditional cookout, but I did have a crockpot full of baked beans. They were just Bush's Grilling Beans (the Steakhouse varietyh) with some browned stew beef added. Everyone raved about them. Personally, my favorite was Ma's deviled eggs, which I could've made a meal of. The American Flag cake for dessert was good (white cake, white frosting, and then blueberries and sliced strawberries to make a flag). The watermelon was horrible, and we through it away. What a waste of $7!!!! Guess that wraps it up...I haven't proofread this. I've got to go put some potatoes on for supper (to go with the baked ham), and I don't have time to look for typos.
While walking around Wal-Mart last night, Caleb was constantly wanting this, that, and the next thing. "You'll have to ask your father," I said in exasperation. "I know that," he replied. "Daddy has the money. You just have credit cards."
What Your Fridge Says About You

You like to be surrounded by things you love. You aren't exactly greedy, but you can be materialistic at times.
You are a very thrifty person. You don't like to waste money... or food.
You don't tend to be a very adventurous person, but you do surprise everyone now and then. You have a bit of a wild side.
You try to be responsible, but you don't always succeed. Your heart is in the right place though.
You are likely single - and a workaholic.
Amy says: The Santa Cruz mountains are burning - I live not far from them and the smoke yesterday was crazy thick in the morning. That is my inspiration for this weeks MI-5: 1. What is the worst natural disaster you have personally experienced? Other than occasional power outages, I really haven't been affected by natural disasters. The Patriot's Day Storm of 2007 I guess was pretty bad, and I've lived through a couple of blizzards, but really nothing too terrible. 2. You were forced to evacuate your home. When you are finally allowed back your house sustained fire damage- but isn't a complete loss. What one room do you hope remained untouched by the fire and why? The new computer room that Dwane built. All of my scrapbooks and pictures are there. My next choice would be my bedroom, where I have my jewelry and some other family heirlooms given to my by my grandmother. 3. The smoke was so thick yesterday morning until the wind shifted that the sun was shrouded and actually cast an eerie orangish glow over things. Tell us about something or an experience that gave you an eerie feeling. The first thing that comes to mind is my first date with Jesse back in 1991. We had gone to a Talleys concert (Southern Gospel) in Bangor, and on the way home, the moon was blood red. As Jessie and I are both Christians, it started a coversation about end times, and it gave me goosebumps. 4. Lots of people are discending on the small town of Corrilitas CA to offer support. The small general store has become a makeshift command center where people gather for support and information. Does your community have a place that everyone would gather at? Where would it be? My Aunt Ginny will probably kill me for my response, but I really have no idea. There is probably some sort of shelter around here, but I don't know where. I guess my church might be a place for gathering--several people gathered there for prayer right after 9/11. 5. I love to cook, but in my wake the kitchen looks like a tornado hit it! What is something you love to make and eat but only do it on certain occassions because preparation or clean-up is a hassle? This one is easy!!! Definitely fried shrimp. I love it, but it's a pain to dredge all those tiny shrimp in flour, dunk 'em in the batter, and then fry them. And of course, there's the splattering oil, the greasy paper towels, and all the other mess. I have about 8 pounds shrimp in the freezer to fry, but keep putting it off because of the mess.
1. On my laziest day I like to NAP! 2. ALTHOUGH I DO LITTLE OF IT, HOUSEWORK makes me feel like I'm being productive. 3. I love little KISSES FROM MY KIDS and big HUGS FROM THEM, TOO. 4. This summer I want to SURVIVE! IT'S VERY BUSY--ESPECIALLY THE MONTH OF JULY. 5. THE MI-5 made me start my blog. 6. Red APPLES and orange ORANGES. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to HEADING TO PORTLAND (I THINK), tomorrow my plans include SOUL JAM AT FUNTOWN IN SACO and Sunday, I want to EAT PIZZA WHILE WATCHING THE COKE 600!
Well, I ended up going to Bar Harbor this weekend. The boys and I left on Friday at 3:00 from Tenants Harbor, and we got there at 5:30. We had to stop for road paving in Belfast for about 10 minutes (I actually shut the car off to save gas), and Eben needed a bathroom break in Searsport, but other than that, the drive was pretty smooth. We had supper at the Trenton Lighthouse Restaurant. I would highly recommended it. We had an appetizer platter of chicken fingers, onion rings, and mozzarella sticks, Dwane and I split the seafood platter, Eben had a chicken burger, and Caleb had just French fries. The food was very good, and served very hot. The waitstaff was pleasant and kind. And--the best part--it cost us only $8! Since Dwane was there on business, he got to use the company card for the appetizer and the seafood platter. We spent the rest of the evening watching Indiana Jones on the big screen in the hotel room at the Bar Harbor Regency (Holiday Inn). Dwane was up and out at 6:30 Saturday morning. Eben slept until 8:30, and Caleb slept until 9:00. The boys and I drove to the Bar Harbor Club, where the Dwane was running the AV for a group of Pediatric Oncology Social Workers. Dwane said he shed several tears over this one. I can imagine that it was gut-wrenching. The people were very, very happy with his job performance (said it was the best AV they had had in the 15 years they had been holding conferences), and they really wished they hadn't already booked their AV for their Memphis convention next year. They would have preferred to have Dwane there. The boys and I then had about 2 hours to kill. It was raining, so mini-golf was out. We decided to just stroll Bar Harbor in the rain. We tried to stay under the awnings as much as we could, but we didn't spend too much time in the shops. Bar Harbor is definitely not handicapped accesible, and since I had Caleb in an umbrella stroller, it was pretty difficult getting in and out. And, once you got in, the stores were so crammed full of stuff that you couldn't really move around. Dwane got done around 11:30. We finished packing up, and left for lunch at Friendly's in Ellsworth. The appetizers there were good, but the new burgers Friendly's was advertising were just so-so. They were too dry for my taste. (Maybe I need to learn to like mayo on my burgers.) We made a quick stop at Marden's, and then headed home. We got back about 4:30, and fortunately, I had Sue's scrapbooking party stuff already set up, so I could spend the time unpacking. The party went well, and the cheeseball was gone in record time. Dwane was not feeling well on Sunday, so he missed church. I'm convinced that because he was overtired, he caught a bug, but he insists he works that hard all the time, so I don't know. I also wonder if it's maybe the bronchitis from a couple of weeks coming up again. He did go to work today, as he had to take equipment back to Portland and get the company van inspected in NH. He will probably not get home until 7:00-7:30 tonight. (He's stopping at Popeye's Chicken in Kennebunk--one of his very favorite places.) I guess that's it for my weekend wrap-up. I don't think I have anything planned this week, other than Bible Study tomorrow night, and I'm not sure what Dwane's schedule is yet for the week. I've got a couple of big paralegal projects that are "lurking"--I know that they'll be coming up, but I can't really do anything with them until A or B happens. Maybe I'll get some scrapbooking done. Or, maybe I can convince Beloved and Mrs. Cheeseball to sign up for online Cribbage so that I can finally play with someone!!
1. I read several blogs written by Pastor's around the U.S. sometimes their posts have nothing to do with the Christian walk but reflect on their own personal life. Like the one I read the other day by Tally Wilgis regarding the alignment of his coffee cup. He stated "I don't know what it is about me that demands this but I always have to make sure the logo on the Starbucks cup aligns with the logo on the sleeve. Additionally, I have to position the lip of the cup so that I drink in alignment with the logos below." Do you have any weird OCD issues? I don't know that I really have OCD issues. I pretty much insist on making my own coffee, as the Splenda and the creamer must go into the cup before the coffee does. The only other thing I can think of is that, as a Close To My Heart consultant, I try very, very hard to make sure that I use ONLY CTMH stuff in my scrapbooks (excluding adhesive). 2. Some of you know that In April, 4 years ago I left my South Florida home of 23 years and drove with all my belongings to Maine to start a new life. The only thing Maine offered me was a job & it's incredible beauty. Friends and family would have to be acquired after I arrived.What major decision/change did you make in your life that surprised your family and friends & how did things work out? I don't know that it really surprised anyone, but I only completed one semester of college. My best friend, Ronda, was my college roommate. She got married at the conclusion of the first semester so that she could go with her husband to Okinawa. (He was in the service.) I couldn't bear to go back to college without her. Everything turned out fine, though. While home at Christmas, I was offered two different positions as a legal secretary. I took one, was trained as a paralegal, and have been in the same profession since (that was 22 years ago!). I went to school to be a business teacher, and while I know long to be a substitute teacher (I don't have enough education to do that here in Maine), if I had become a business teacher, I might not have a job now--a lot of the traditional business classes have now been cut because of budgets. 3. We often learn certain behaviors by the folks we spend time with. An accent you pick up, words you add to your vocabulary, a certain way of washing your car, tying your shoes or folding your socks.What is something you picked up and who did you pick it up from? Every once in a while I catch myself copying the mannerisms of my sister-in-law, Dawn. She lives in VA, has a Southern accent, is beautiful, and has a very friendly, outgoing personality. She's also hilarious and keeps me in stitches. When I have the privilege of being with her, I always end up wishing that I could be just like her. (Ok, now I'm crying!) 4. 2 years ago I was online looking up hiking trails and discovered the sport of Geocaching & found an instant addiction after the 1st time I played. What is something you discovered by accident but has enriched your life? I can actually say that scrapbooking was actually quite accidental. I was watching QVC one day, almost 11 years ago, and saw them demonstrating a scrapbooking kit. The rest is history! Also, I kind of happened upon piano playing by accident. I was taking clarinet lessons at school, and somehow ended up playing the piano instead. While my Mom helped me out quite a bit, I've never had a "formal piano lesson". I often chuckle to myself while playing at church, wondering exactly how I am doing that. The damper pedal especially makes me grin. How do I know when to push it?? I have no idea!! 5. Often we are frustrated by the actions and attitudes of others.If you could influence a behavioral change in someone else, what would it be and how would you go about doing it? There is someone close to me that does nothing but complain, complain, complain. There are changes that could be made to address the root of those complaints, but they would rather just complain and hope for some sympathy. I'm so tired of hearing the complaints! It's wearing me out. (Just so you know, I'm not talking about anyone related to me or anyone that reads my blog.)
1. There is absolutely NO way you can get me to WEAR A BIKINI! 2. EBEN WEARING SHORTS TO SCHOOL reminds me that summer is almost here! 3. I cannot live without my 38-YEAR-OLD TEDDY BEAR. 4. BALLROOM DANCING and A CONTRA DANCE are two things I'd like to try. 5. When life hands you lemons PRAY MORE. 6. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT is my favorite childhood memory. I HAVE TOO MANY TO COUNT.7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to MAYBE GOING TO BAR HARBOR, tomorrow my plans include SUE'S SCRAPBOOKING BIRTHDAY PARTY and Sunday, I want to TAKE A NAP!
I guess Mother's Day actually started for me on Saturday a little bit. I went with Ma, Aunt Ginny, Aunt Jo, Tina, Ronnie, and Sarah to Applebee's for lunch (with Dwane, Eben & Caleb, too). Aunt Jo, Tina, and Ronnie came over from NH, and Sarah came up from MA. Sarah is now 16 weeks pregnant with her first child, and she brought along sonogram pictures of her son to share. I cried as soon as I saw her. My head knows that she is now a woman, but in my heart, she's still the little 4-year-old girl that was the best cheerleading double anyone could ever wish for. For lunch (which was mid-afternoon by the time we finally got our food), I ordered my normal--let's say it together now--Petite Sirloin with the Garlic/Parmesan Shrimp, and double Mashed Potato instead of veggies. What else? I was disappointed to find out that Applebee's has stopped serving the garlic toast. While I certainly don't need the calories, I missed it. I had a very nice Mother's Day. When I woke up, there was a pile of gifts for me on the couch: A new pillow, a dozen roses, and a bag of Lindt Milk Chocolate Truffles from Dwane; the Taylor Swift CD from Eben; and a pink heart locket with the "Mother and Child" emblem from Caleb. Caleb picked it out himself--"Because Mommy likes pink". Dwane fessed up and said he had to help him out a little, as his first pick was a piece of jewelry that was $300+! Dwane and Billy Rhythm cooked a fantastic lunch for us after church: Steak, Vidalia Onions, Rice, and Mom's Homemade Bread. For dessert, Dwane picked up a Friendly's ice cream cake. I took a nap in the afternoon to try out my new pillow. The pillow was great, but I didn't get much of a nap. (Mom--I need a drink! Mom--Eben called me "Little Boy"! Mom--can you help me button my jeans! Oh well, that's what being a Mom is all about sometimes.) After church, we went to Burger King for supper, but I was quite disappointed in the Loaded Steakhouse Burger. It was burned all the way around the edges. Don't know if it was supposed to be that way, but it was much too done and too dry for me. Last night I went to the service for my friend, Ronda's, brother-in-law, who passed away several days ago. It was packed! I mean, literally shoulder to shoulder. That speaks very well for the man that Jim was, and to his family. I had a chance to give Ronda a quick hug, but there were so many people there that I made a pretty quick exit. Ronda was going to be speaking during the service, and I said a prayer for strength for her. I know that she will do great. She's an awesome woman (those of you who know her already know that). Hopefully, we'll be able to get together soon. Dwane leaves at noon today to go to Bar Harbor. He won't be home again until late Saturday afternoon. I may drive down with the kids on Friday night to spend the night, but we don't know for sure yet. Depends on the weather and if gas is $5 a gallon by then. I have Sue's scrapbook birthday party that night, and I'm looking forward to that. I'll be busy trying to clean up the house a bit while Dwane is gone. Other than playing some online cribbage (if I can find someone to play with!), it will probably be a pretty boring couple of days. Boy! I've rambled on enough now! Basically, my intent was simply to let you know that I have updated the Flickr album with pictures of a Mama Raccoon (the story is under the pictures) and Mother's Day. This post has turned out way longer than I expected. I'm not even going to bother to proofread it. Now you'll know exactly how well (or how badly) a Maine State Typing Champion actually types!
I took an online typing test this morning. I ranked 4,072 out of 528,036. I guess that's not too bad. 113 wordsSpeed test
1. The CHEESE BALL had an extra secret ingredient; it was _____ WISH I KNEW! 2. I CAN SEE GREEN GRASS through my window. 3. Right now, I need SOME BREAKFAST. 4. GROCERY SHOPPING is where I went Thursday night; it was EXPENSIVE. 5. Why does LOVE hurt so much? HOW ORIGINAL IS THAT ANSWER!?6. All I can think of is the FIRST FRIDAY FILL-IN TODAY. I'M DRAWING A BLANK. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to CORN ON THE COB IN THE STEAMER, tomorrow my plans include GOING TO CHINA COAST WITH AUNT JO & SARAH and Sunday, I want to SHOW MOM WHERE THE SCOUT BUILDING IS!
Billy Rhythm says: "This MI-5 was inspired by a recent batch of absolutely, outrageously yummy chocolate chip cookies my beloved wife recently made. Yum!" 1) Flour is one of those basic ingredients that's used in just about every staple we eat. What's a staple in your life? What is that makes you tick? What's that thing that gets you out of bed in the morning. There are several. First is my devotion time in the morning. When I get up, I feed the animals, and then do some Bible study before I do anything else. Right now, I'm still working through "Captivating" by John & Stasi Eldredge, and I've also started "Unveiling Mary Magdalene" by Liz Curtis Higgs. My family (both immediate and extended) is another thing that makes me tick and gets me out of bed in the morning. 2) Sugar. Not only is it an ingredient, but it's often used as a pet name for a loved one. Share with us a pet name you've used towards someone you love/loved. I haven't used a lot of pet names in the past, other than the normal "dear" or "honey". Once in a while, I'll throw in a "Sweetie". I have been called "Babycakes", "Beautiful", and the ever-romantic "Lisa Marie Batty Wight" (which is said, in love, when he is totally exasperated with me). Ok---now that I've read Aunt Ginny's post, I realize that I could've told you my pet names for my kids. I call Eben "Punkinhead", although I use it much more rarely now that he is getting older. Caleb is called "Sweet Boy" or "Honey Punkin". 3) You go to a restaurant for breakfast, and the item you order comes with "two eggs, any style." What style do you pick? Why? In a restaurant, I usually order scrambled eggs, because then I know that they will arrive cooked. While I like a runny yolk, I cannot handle an undercooked white (because of the look of it), so I play it safe and order scrambled eggs. If I am making my eggs myself, I usually make them poached, with butter and salt. Yum. Is it time for breakfast? 4) I'm not much of a baker, but I think there's baking soda in chocolate chip cookies. With summer soon upon us, some of us may start drinking more soda. Is there some beverage that you like to drink especially in summer? Without a doubt, ice tea. At home I drink whatever brand I can find that is decaffeinated and low-cal. I also love Southern-style ice tea, and I am so glad that our McDonalds is now offering that for $1! 5) Sandra Boynton says there are two kinds of people: those who are the chocolate sort, and those who are of the jellybeans. Which kind of person are you? Most definitely chocolate. I do not care for jellybeans, even the JellyBelly chocolate kind.
Rascal Flatts You could've bowed out gracefully But you didn't You knew enough to know To leave well enough alone But you wouldn't I drive myself crazy Tryin' to stay out of my own way The messes that I make But my secrets are so safe The only one who gets me Yeah, you get me It's amazing to me CHORUS How every day Every day, every day You save my life I come around all broken down and crowded out And you're comfort Sometimes the place I go Is so deep and dark and desperate I don't know, I don't know Repeat Chorus Sometimes I swear, I don't know if I'm comin' or goin' But you always say something without even knowin' That I'm hangin' on to your words With all of my might and it's alright Yeah, I'm alright for one more night every day Every day, every day, every day Every day, every day You save me, you save me, oh, oh, oh Every day Every, every, every day- Every day you save my life
I've just updated my Flick'r photos to include pictures of Eben making brownies and his Blue & Gold Banquet, when he crossed over from being a Cub Scout to a Boy Scout. (Mom--I ordered prints of these for you, so you don't need to print them.) There's a couple of shots of me in there, too. Not that anyone but maybe my grandmother would care. :)
Have you ever had one of those happy memories that just brings a smile to your face every time you recall it? I'm having one of those, now. Sunday night, playing "Lily of the Valley" for the offering, with my Mom on the organ, and my brother on the bass guitar. Perhaps something simple, but it brought me such joy! I was actually laughing while playing the piano at church. Now mind you, I wasn't laughing AT anyone--just laughing for the pure joy of it. My brother, Billy Rhythm, is practicing sight-reading to play the bass, and he's doing such an awesome job at it. (Of course, he'll tell you otherwise, but I'm his sister, and I can be as proud as I want to be of him.) So there we are, the three of us, just jamming out. And there's this kind of thing, too, with Bill, me, and the Sunday night congregation. They sometimes like to see if they can get me laughing. Normally, Bill plays the drums on Sunday nights, and every once in a while, he'll just whang on it. (Is that how you spell "whang"?) I'll hear people in the congregation say, "There she goes!" It just makes me bubble inside. I'm smiling now just thinking about it. Anyway--thanks Bill, for bringing me joy. Ok. Now I'm crying. What's up with that???
As you know, Dwane has been working on fixing the exhaust manifold on the truck. (BTW--the Escort wagon is done for now--I helped him fix the clutch. I'm so proud!) Anyway, back to the truck, the hardest part of the job was getting out the rusty bolts. Caleb was outside playing when Dwane was working on it last night. Dwane asked Caleb to say a prayer for him, and Caleb did so. Within five minutes, the bolt was out! There was one bolt left to go. Dwane figured he'd better ask Caleb to pray again. "God, please let Daddy get the bolt out. Amen." The second bolt came right out, too! If only we all prayed with the faith of a small child! Earlier in the day, our cat Snuggles had been running in and out, in and out (something he's been doing since spring weather hit), until I thought I was going to fly. Caleb was getting frustrated, too, as he was the one that was often left with the job of opening the door. Finally, he said "Snuggles! You're just going to have to learn to do it yourself! I've had enough!" He was really giving the cat the devil. This morning, Caleb woke up with bed head. I mean, serious bed head. (Wish I had thought to get a picture!) I went out to put the mail in the mailbox, and he met me at the door, in tears. "What's wrong, honey?" Through his tears, he said, "I'm not Caleb anymore." "What do you mean?" I asked. "Something's wrong with my hair, and I don't look like Caleb anymore! I want to be Caleb again!" We put some water on his hair, and he seems to have recovered nicely.
1. Two of my favorite ingredients in a drink are ICE AND SOMETHING CHOCOLATEY! 2. EBEN'S ABILITY TO LEARN often amazes me. 3. You can keep doing that forever, the dog is SIMPLY GOING TO DIE SOMEDAY. 4. TAKE A PAN OF BROWNIES, CHOCOLATE PUDDING, COOL WHIP AND CRUSHED UP HEATH BAR, mix it all together and voila! You have DEATH BY CHOCOLATE!. 5. If I had a yard with a garden, I would love to grow LOTS AND LOTS OF VEGETABLES (NOT THAT I WOULD EAT THEM, BUT IT WOULD SAVE MONEY ON THE GROCERY BILL) (AND IT WOULD PROBABLY MEAN THAT I ALSO HAD MY VERY OWN GARDENER).6. CLEANING THE SHOWER is best au naturel. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to PROBABLY PLAYING CRIBBAGE OR SCRAPBOOKING, tomorrow my plans include WATCHING THE RICHMOND NASCAR RACE and Sunday, I want to COOK MY KENTUCKY DERBY LUNCH FOR MY FAMILY (I KNOW, IT'S A DAY LATE)!
Pastor Dave says: "This is my first time at coming up with weekly the questions. I hope its OK with protocol - I'm going to give you FIVE RIDDLES to solve. My sister sent them to me earlier this week. ENJOY!" First of all, let me (Lisa) say that I am absolutely horrible at solving riddles. I'm not going to spend tons of time trying to get my blond brain to figure them out, but if I can get the answer rather quickly, well, that's nothing short of a miracle. #1 A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him? Lisa's Guess: I would say the lions would be the safest place. Since they haven't eaten in three years, they're probably dead, or at least really, really weak. #2 A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be? Lisa's Guess: Ok. This has got to be a play on words or something. Maybe she "shoots" him a sexy glance. Then maybe she holds his feet under water to give him a spa pedicure. "Hangs him". Hmmm. What could that be? I'm not sure. Guess I'm not going to get this one. Or, perhaps she did all those horrible things with her husband, and then goes out with a friend??? #3 What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away? Lisa's Guess: My first thought was a newspaper, but then I remembered that a newspaper was "black and white and red (read) all over". #4 Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday? Lisa's Guess: I'm thinking. I'm thinking. I think I might be able to come up with this one. If I do, I'll update my answer. #5 This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious as to just how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so ordinary and plain that you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is highly unusual though. Study it and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out. Try to do so without any coaching! Lisa's Guess: Ok. This probably has something to do with the letters of the alphabet being in consecutive order, or OH MY GOODNESS!!! I think I just got it!!! There is no letter "E", which is the most commonly used letter in the English language (I think). I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT THAT!!! Well, I'm quite sure that I got 2 out of 5. I honestly didn't think I'd be able to get any. I deserve a present or something!