Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I guess Mother's Day actually started for me on Saturday a little bit. I went with Ma, Aunt Ginny, Aunt Jo, Tina, Ronnie, and Sarah to Applebee's for lunch (with Dwane, Eben & Caleb, too). Aunt Jo, Tina, and Ronnie came over from NH, and Sarah came up from MA. Sarah is now 16 weeks pregnant with her first child, and she brought along sonogram pictures of her son to share. I cried as soon as I saw her. My head knows that she is now a woman, but in my heart, she's still the little 4-year-old girl that was the best cheerleading double anyone could ever wish for. For lunch (which was mid-afternoon by the time we finally got our food), I ordered my normal--let's say it together now--Petite Sirloin with the Garlic/Parmesan Shrimp, and double Mashed Potato instead of veggies. What else? I was disappointed to find out that Applebee's has stopped serving the garlic toast. While I certainly don't need the calories, I missed it.

I had a very nice Mother's Day. When I woke up, there was a pile of gifts for me on the couch: A new pillow, a dozen roses, and a bag of Lindt Milk Chocolate Truffles from Dwane; the Taylor Swift CD from Eben; and a pink heart locket with the "Mother and Child" emblem from Caleb. Caleb picked it out himself--"Because Mommy likes pink". Dwane fessed up and said he had to help him out a little, as his first pick was a piece of jewelry that was $300+!

Dwane and Billy Rhythm cooked a fantastic lunch for us after church: Steak, Vidalia Onions, Rice, and Mom's Homemade Bread. For dessert, Dwane picked up a Friendly's ice cream cake. I took a nap in the afternoon to try out my new pillow. The pillow was great, but I didn't get much of a nap. (Mom--I need a drink! Mom--Eben called me "Little Boy"! Mom--can you help me button my jeans! Oh well, that's what being a Mom is all about sometimes.) After church, we went to Burger King for supper, but I was quite disappointed in the Loaded Steakhouse Burger. It was burned all the way around the edges. Don't know if it was supposed to be that way, but it was much too done and too dry for me.

Last night I went to the service for my friend, Ronda's, brother-in-law, who passed away several days ago. It was packed! I mean, literally shoulder to shoulder. That speaks very well for the man that Jim was, and to his family. I had a chance to give Ronda a quick hug, but there were so many people there that I made a pretty quick exit. Ronda was going to be speaking during the service, and I said a prayer for strength for her. I know that she will do great. She's an awesome woman (those of you who know her already know that). Hopefully, we'll be able to get together soon.

Dwane leaves at noon today to go to Bar Harbor. He won't be home again until late Saturday afternoon. I may drive down with the kids on Friday night to spend the night, but we don't know for sure yet. Depends on the weather and if gas is $5 a gallon by then. I have Sue's scrapbook birthday party that night, and I'm looking forward to that. I'll be busy trying to clean up the house a bit while Dwane is gone. Other than playing some online cribbage (if I can find someone to play with!), it will probably be a pretty boring couple of days.

Boy! I've rambled on enough now! Basically, my intent was simply to let you know that I have updated the Flickr album with pictures of a Mama Raccoon (the story is under the pictures) and Mother's Day. This post has turned out way longer than I expected. I'm not even going to bother to proofread it. Now you'll know exactly how well (or how badly) a Maine State Typing Champion actually types!


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