Friday, May 02, 2008


Pastor Dave says: "This is my first time at coming up with weekly the questions. I hope its OK with protocol - I'm going to give you FIVE RIDDLES to solve. My sister sent them to me earlier this week. ENJOY!"

First of all, let me (Lisa) say that I am absolutely horrible at solving riddles. I'm not going to spend tons of time trying to get my blond brain to figure them out, but if I can get the answer rather quickly, well, that's nothing short of a miracle.

#1 A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?

Lisa's Guess: I would say the lions would be the safest place. Since they haven't eaten in three years, they're probably dead, or at least really, really weak.

#2 A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over
5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?

Lisa's Guess: Ok. This has got to be a play on words or something. Maybe she "shoots" him a sexy glance. Then maybe she holds his feet under water to give him a spa pedicure. "Hangs him". Hmmm. What could that be? I'm not sure. Guess I'm not going to get this one. Or, perhaps she did all those horrible things with her husband, and then goes out with a friend???

#3 What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away?

Lisa's Guess: My first thought was a newspaper, but then I remembered that a newspaper was "black and white and red (read) all over".

#4 Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday?

Lisa's Guess: I'm thinking. I'm thinking. I think I might be able to come up with this one. If I do, I'll update my answer.

#5 This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious as to just how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so ordinary and plain that you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is highly unusual though. Study it and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out. Try to do so without any coaching!

Lisa's Guess: Ok. This probably has something to do with the letters of the alphabet being in consecutive order, or OH MY GOODNESS!!! I think I just got it!!! There is no letter "E", which is the most commonly used letter in the English language (I think). I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT THAT!!!

Well, I'm quite sure that I got 2 out of 5. I honestly didn't think I'd be able to get any. I deserve a present or something!


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