Well, in light of the fact that we might be hampered by Hurricane/Tropical Storm Kyle this afternoon/evening, church services were canceled for tonight. (It's now 45minutes before the evening service was to start. The winds are calim, and there is no rain.) Anyway, I went ahead and weighed in this AM on my own. Lost this week - .8 pounds Total lost so far - 24.8 pounds I didn't lose a whole lot. I'm not too upset, though. For one thing, I met a HUGE personal goal for myself. And another thing--I picked up the Wii Fit last weekend. What a blast! This week, instead of doing 60 minutes of DDR (all aerobics), I've been doing 40 minutes of aerobics, and 20 minutes of strength training on the Wii. I've been doing hula-hooping, step aerobics, and running in place. I've done crunches, and tricep extensions, push ups (ouch!), leg raises, etc. My muscles have certainly been getting a workout! They are quite sore today. And, I weighed myself before working out this morning, and again after working out, and I gained .2 pounds from the workout. I realize that could've just been water moving around or something, but my biceps are definitely much more firm this weekend than they were last weekend. I haven't been doing as well with my eating. I need to get back on track with that. I did ok yesterday--bagel and peanut butter for breakfast, soup for lunch (260 calories), and an individual bag of popcorn for a snack. When Dwane got home, I had baked chicken, baked potato, and 1/2 cup stuffing. Then I ate a handful of these frosted animal crackers that he brought home. Naughty Dwane!!! I also found gourmet M&M's. Those triple chocolate ones are to die for. Another bad thing. But, at the same time, I have been "full" so much this week, that I feel yucky. I'm ready to get back on track in the food department.
Paddy says: "Ahhh, the first few days of Fall. One of my favorite times of the year, every year ... so this week's 5 is of an autumnal nature." 1. Describe your single fondest childhood memory of the fall season: When I was in 5th grade, my teacher, Mr. Borgerson, made us start making 5 minute speeches. My very first speech was "How to Make a Fall Hut". I talked about making a little camp under a tree, using horsechestnut shells for dishes. I don't know if that's really a "fondest" memory, but that's what came to mind first. 2. What are your two favorite things to eat that are specific to this time of year? Usually, things that are "specific to a time of year" are vegetable-related, so I don't think I really have any favorites. I do like the thought of hot mulled cider with popcorn (although I eat popcorn almost every day all year round). I usually make a batch of homemade applesauce, too (not that I eat it). 3. Name three items that you dig out of the closet and wear now that the weather is turning crisp?: I have this pink sweatshirt type of thing that I have worn so much the neckline is frayed. It's like a really stiff cotton, and it has pretty design on it. It fits just right (or at least it did last year), and I just love that shirt. I think it was a "hand-me-down" from Lucille. I also dig out my slippers and my housecoat. 4. Tell us your four favorite activities that you enjoy between the Autumnal Equinox and Halloween (November AIN'T Fall here in Maine folks!) Apple picking. Picking out and painting pumpkins. Going somewhere "different" to have a picnic and check out the foliage (although with gas prices, I'm not sure I'll be traveling very far). Autumn is Dwane's busiest time of year at work (it is not uncommon for him to work 80 hours per week), so it can get kind of boring. 5. Finally, what are the top five things that you need to get done before the winter hits? The yard is a mess. That needs to get cleaned up. (Fortunately for me, Dwane usually handles this, in between his working 80+ hours/week.) I need to put heavier blankets on the beds. I need to call to schedule the annual furnace cleaning. I probably need new tires on my van. I'd really like to get my closet cleaned out so that I can get rid of my "bigger" clothes and find out what I may need for winter.
1. APPLE PICKING AND CRISP CLEAN AIR are some of the things I'm most looking forward to in October. 2. Sometimes I HATE THE TELEPHONE. 3. __________ and that's why there is a saying, "never say never"! 4. When I'm down, I SLEEP. 5. AT THE COMPUTER is where you'll find me most often. 6. A rainy day is good for NAPPING. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to BLADE STEAK ON THE GRILL, tomorrow my plans include MAKING HOMEMADE SOUP FOR SUNDAY'S LUNCH and Sunday, I want to SURVIVE KYLE!
Lost this week: 1.8 pounds Total lost so far: 24 pounds
Pastor Dave says: "This week's "5" is simple but harder than you may think. Please answer each question with 'one' word ... and be honest." 1. What you are not? SKINNY 2. Your dream last night? SPELLING 3. Your car? SCAREY 4. Your father? SERVANT 5. Your greatest hope? RAPTURE
1. There is no need FOR YOU BOYS TO BE FIGHTING ALL OF THE TIME! 2. Where in the heck did the MOUSE COME FROM? 3. JUST SURVIVING TODAY'S BUSY SCHEDULE is all I managed to do. 4. Prospects for WEALTH ARE NOT GOOD. 5. THAT STUPID "POP 3 SERVER" ERROR is the message. 6. Simplicity and tranquility are SOMETHING I REALLY NEED RIGHT NOW. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to GOING TO SOCCER PRACTICE, tomorrow my plans include A SOCCER GAME and Sunday, I want to HAVE NO SOCCER!
We didn't have an official weigh-in this week, as Josey had a really busy day with her Open House and everything. I did get weighed, just to see, and the results are: Lost this week: .4 pound Total Lost: 22.2 pounds Didn't lose much, but at least I lost everything that I had gained during vacation, so I'm pretty much back on level ground again.
It's official. I am now a "Soccer Mom". Eben has taken up soccer this year, and he proclaims that it is even better than basketball. Heaven help me. His first game is on Wednesday, September 17, at 5:00 PM. It's at the big ballfield in Tenants Harbor if anyone is interested in going. Games will be every Wednesday night and every Saturday at 1:00 PM between now and mid-October.
From Aunt Susie: Answers must contain only one word. 1. Where is your cell phone? purse 2. Your significant other? Dwane 3. Your hair? Blonde 4. Your mother? Marylou 5. Your father? William 6. Your favorite thing? Family 7. Your dream last night? Clueless 8. Your favorite drink? Nestea 9. Your dream/goal? Lighter 10. The room you're in? Computer 11. Your fear? Fire 12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? 150 13. Where were you last night? Home 14. What you're not? Skinny 15. Muffins? Chocolate 16. One of your wish list items? Books 17. Where you grew up? SpruceHead 18. The last thing you did? Cook 19. What are you wearing? Clothes 20. Your TV? On 21. Your pet? Lots 22. Your computer? Busy 23. Your life? Happy 25. Missing someone? Yes 26. Your car? 160,000+ 27. Something you're not wearing? Socks 28. Favorite Store? WalMart 29. Your summer? Fast 30. Your favorite color? Pink 31. When is the last time you laughed? Today 32. Last time you cried? Sunday Now it's 4 answers 34. FOUR PEOPLE WHO E-MAIL Aunt Susie, Bob, Work, CTMH 35. FOUR OF MY FAVORITE FOODS: Lobster, Chocolate, Boiled Dinner, Pot Roast 36. FOUR PLACES I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT NOW: Busch Gardens, Lynchburg, Bed, a Clean House
Beloved says: "This week's questions are random questions I found online & thought they'd be interesting to answer sometime. So here goes:" 1. Would you rather have one great friend or 5 pals? Boy. Way to start with a tough question. I have several "best" friends (Mrs. Cheeseball, Beloved, My Mom, etc.). I share just about everything with all three of them. I definitely think that it's possible to have more than one "best" friend. Each person gives a little something different in their friendship, and with several friends, you can almost always guarantee that at least one would be available at any time. I think I'll take 5 pals, but turn them all into "best" friends. 2. Are you better at remembering names or faces? There are a lot of people that I see and I think "I know them from somewhere". I guess that means that I am better at remembering faces. 3. What books on your shelf are begging to be read? I have some Karen Kingsbury books to read, but they are not part of the series that I am currently reading. I have just started "Healing Stones" by Steven Arterburn and someone else, and I'd like to find more time to read that. In my bathroom, I still have "Sophie's Heart" by Lori Wick. I can't really get into that a whole lot, even though almost every woman in the church has recommended it. I'm half-way through it, and honestly, I'll be glad when it's done so that I can read something else. (I keep hoping that "Sophie" will get better.) I also have a housecleaning book that Beloved gave me, and that really NEEDS to be read. 4. Will the world be better or worse in 100 years? Unless the Raptures before 100 years is up, the world will definitely be worse. 5. Is your best friend now anything like your best friend from childhood? No. My best early-childhood friend was Judy. She was very, very, very quiet. Very, very, very shy. Very, very faithful to the church and its ministries. My best friend now, Mrs. Cheeseball, is not quiet and definitely not shy. While I'm sure she would like to be more faithful to a church, she's really busy. (But she is very faithful to prayer!)
1. I enjoy having time all to myself (even though it is really quiet).2. How the election will turn out is something I wonder about often lately. 3. In your heart, you knew you loved me, and only me. 4. Take some potato wedges, add a little olive oil and French onion soup mix and you end up with Josey's really tasty oven fries. 5. God has gifted me with a wonderful family. 6. A good book is an instant vacation. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to making homemade pizza, tomorrow my plans include Eben's soccer practice and going to Belfast with Mom and Sunday, I want to go to Pastor & Josey's Open House!
Ok. I got some more pictures downloaded. This batch includes our VA trip and our trip to see Brian & Sarah's new house. There are also some of Eben's concerts and the Lobster Festival Parade. Does anyone know how to change the orientation of the Flickr pictures? I have way too many that are sideways!!
Finally. Finally. Finally. Flickr has been updated. I know Dawn has been waiting patiently (or not so patiently), so I hope you enjoy. The pictures include my 40th birthday, Kayla's wedding, Sarah's baby shower, Eben's birthday, and the 1st day of school. These pictures are from my Fuji, and I still need to add some pictures (like our Virginia trip) from my GE camera. Maybe I'll get to those later tonight or tomorrow.
Horror of horrors! For the first time since starting First Place 4 Health at the beginning of the summer, I have gained. This week: .4 pound gained Net Weight Loss - 21.8 pounds This is bad news, obviously, but at the same time, there is a silver lining. Since my last weigh-in, I had been on vacation. Sonic. Golden Corral. Cracker Barrel. All of my favorites. When I got home from vacation, I was up 3 whole pounds. So, in a week, I really lost 2.6 pounds, but I was still up from the last weigh in. This week, I'm trying walking instead of doing DDR. I took a one-hour walk yesterday. However, I burned less than one-half of the calories that I burn while doing DDR. (I burn about 600 calories an hour with DDR!) I'm really trying to figure out that whole metabolism thing, and I think that maybe with DDR, I am burning enough calories to need to eat more calories. Maybe that's why I had been losing only 1 pound a week, when I'd really like to lose 2 pounds a week. It just doesn't make sense, though, to say, "I've been losing 1 pound a week. Therefore, I am going to exercise less and/or eat more, so I can lose 2 pounds a week." I get it, and I don't get it. I go to the doctor's on Thursday, and I'm going to ask the PA what she thinks about it all.
Amy says: I was inspired by an article in SELF magazine for this week's MI-5. The article was called "Create Your Happy-Life List" and this list is derived from the little workbook box in the article. That box gave room for four answers in each of six boxes. I only used four of the boxes and added my own question to the list. Feel free to give as many or as few answers to each question as you like." 1. Every day I would like to: (examples given were: get my heart rate up, sleep for 15 more minutes, be loving to my partner) Continue with Bible Study and exercise; try not to ever yell at my kids. 2. Every week, I would like to: (examples given were: cook a meal from scratch, pamper myself, spend time alone) Find time to scrapbook, and lose 2 pounds. 3. Before next year, I would like to: (examples given were: clean out my closets, take a class, track my spending, plant an herb garden) Lose 50 more pounds. Clean my house. I mean, really clean my house. 4. Before I die, I would like to: (examples given were: start a business, try skydiving, go skinny-dipping, make a difference in the world) While this isn't too deep or serious, I want to go to Build-a-Bear Workshop with Mrs. Cheeseball. (I went to BABW in VA, but I wasn't with Mrs. Cheeseball. So, I made a bear for Mrs. Cheeseball instead.) I think I have another list in the archives somewhere called "The Bucket List" if you want to see more. 5: How likely do you think you will be to complete any of these goals? Which will be the easiest? Which will be the hardest? I think Build-A-Bear will be easiest. In fact, we already kind of have plans in the works. The hardest will either be losing 50 pounds or cleaning my house.
1. If I was to walk into your life, would you be my friend? 2. Catch a bright star and place it in your pocket. 3. And you can send me chocolate anytime. 4. Excuse me, but I'm dealing with a memory that never forgets. 5. I'm the innocent bystander / Somehow I got stuck in traffic. 6. What's keeping us apart isn't selfishness, it's distance. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to five-cheese Texas toast, topped with grilled steak and onion rings, tomorrow my plans include perhaps going to the Great State of Maine Air Show to see the Blue Angels, followed by watching my favorite race of the year--Richmond and Sunday, I want to celebrate my grandmother's 82nd birthday (and try to forget the date)!
A) Four places that I go to over and over: Church, Hannaford (groceries), WalMart, McDonalds. B) Four people who e-mail me (regularly): Mom Jarrell, A friend of Dwane's from MBNA who forwards stuff to us all the time, Aunt Susie, and Quick & Simple Magazine (which I have just learned has just continued publishing their magazine, which was my favorite). C) Four of my favorite places to eat: Cracker Barrel, Sonic, The Red Barn (fried seafood in Augusta), and Golden Corral. D) Four places I would rather be right now: In the shower, back to Busch Gardens, asleep in bed, at the piano. F) Four TV shows I watch: Project Runway, The View, the News, America's Got Talent.