Happened as Reported: 4 Government Conspiracy: 1 (Name has been withheld to protect the innocent.) My theory: So far, I have to say that I do believe that explosives were placed into the WTC prior to the plane crashes, and that it was the explosives that brought down the buildings, not the fires from the planes. However, at this point, I think that was just additional prep work by the terrorists, not by our government. I arrived at this theory from watching the first half-hour of a video. If you would like the link, send me an e-mail. (By posting the link, my blog looks not so pretty.) Of course, if someone can tell me that the video is based on inaccurate information, or if I am just crazy in the head, feel frree to let me know. (Apparently, the idea of the "governmental conspiracy" is addressed later in the video, but that seems so far-fetched to me, I'm not even really interested in watching it. The first part of the video, though, I think is very thought provoking, if one is inclined to watch it with an open mind.)
1. Do you attend any country/agricultural fairs? If so, which one is your favorite? Why? I wouldn't say that I attend any of the fairs regularly. In the past, I have been to both the Lobster Festival and the Union Fair. I prefer the Union Fair, mostly because it's easier to move. The Lobster Festival is so crowded, IMHO, that you can't even move from one spot to the other. 2. What is your favorite fair ride? Why? All things considered, I would say the Tilt-a-Whirl is my favorite. Stays close to the ground, so potential injuries don't seem to be so bad, but you still get a fairly good thrill. I also like the Scrambler and the Swings. 3. What is your favorite fair food? Why? I think the hand-cut fries are my favorite. Dwane will pay $6.00 to get into the Fair just so he can spend $4 on a Fried Dough. That's an expensive fried dough!!! Dwane was really hankering for one this year, so we spent about $60 at the Union Fair so that he could get one. Cotton Candy, Fried Dough, Candy Apples, and that kind of stuff doesn't really interest me a whole lot. 4. What is your favorite part of the fair overall? 4-H exhibits? Animals? Harness racing? Rides? Food? I really enjoyed the animals at the Union Fair this year, and I also liked looking at the pictures of all of the former Blueberry Queens. I generally like to spend time looking at the craft exhibits, but with a husband and two boys, there is too much testosterone for me to spend much time there. I'll have to go with Mom next year, I guess. 5. How much money do you drop for your typical fair excursion? As I mentioned before, we spent $60 at the Union Fair this year. That included admission, two slices of pizza, one small order of onion rings, one fried dough, 4 sodas, 3 rides for Caleb and 4 rides for Eben. That's it. No games. No souvenirs. Left with nothing but memories. We had a good time, but I think it's expensive fun.
I usually post things that are pretty light, but there's been something on my mind the last week or so, and I want your opinion. Do you have any theories about the September 11 happenings? Did it occur as it was portrayed in the media? Or, is it all a huge governmental conspiracy? What are your thoughts?
I'm actually considering selling Avon again to have extra money for Christmas. Am I crazy or what?
During the last several months, I've found the joy of the TV show Reba. All 4 of us like the show, and I like to watch it when I have my morning coffee. One of the things I've noticed is the set that sits on the top of Reba's kitchen table. It looks like maybe it's some sort of Polish Stoneware, and I think it consists of 4 or so things, maybe like a vinegar cruet, an oil bottle, salt & pepper, etc. Anyone out there watch the show and know what I'm talking about? Anyone know where I can find a duplicate? I absolutely love it--the pattern and everything. I've done some Google "shot in the dark" searches, but haven't come up with anything. I even tried to locate an e-mail address for the former Prop Master from the show, but because the show is no longer in production, ended up dry there, too. Any ideas????
Just in case anyone is trying to call us, our phone is out again. This time, we can't call out either. Bummer!
Amy says: I know it is a little early but I expect to be kind of busy at the end of the week so I thought I would send these out early this week. This one is all about back-to-school... 1. As a kid did you dread the beginning of the school year or did it excite you? What kind of student were you? A scholar? A social butterfly? The shy girl in the corner? Although, generally speaking, I loved school, I absolutely HATED the first day of school. I think I cried on the first day of school every year but 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade. I was (and still am) a total homebody, and I hated to "be away from Mommy" (still do). I was a very good student (I missed the honor roll one quarter in 7th grade, and maybe a couple of times in 9th grade, but other than that, I always made honor roll. I graduated 8th in my class of 112. TOOT! TOOT!) I think I was a combination of a scholar and a social butterfly. I had a lot of friends, but my closest friends were the "scholars". 2. What was your favorite part of elementary school? What about Jr High/Middle School? And High School? In elementary scool, my favorite parts were in 4th grade---hatching baby chickens and reading the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. I don't think I liked anything about Junior High. Maybe home ec. That was ok. In high school, cheerleading was tops. 3. Do you still have any friends from school? How long have you known them? Ronda is probably my closest friend from school. I've known her since 7th grade, but we actually became closest when we roomed together in college. My closest friends in elementary school were Judy, Kellie, and Becky, and while I would still consider them "friends", we don't keep in touch like Ronda and I try to do. 4. What was your must have school supply? Like Beloved, I was all about the Trapper Keeper. Back then, they were expensive, so if I insisted on having the "brand name" Trapper Keeper, I would have to somtimes come up with my own money. I think they cost about $7 back then, which is more than what they cost now. 5. Did you have a favorite teacher? Tell us about them. I think I loved all of my teachers. I have a special place in my heart for Mrs. Bouchard (4th grade), Mr. Borgerson (5th & 6th grade), Mr. Martel (8th grade algebra), Mr. Ebert (typing) and Mr. Andrews (Accounting & AOP). In 8th grade algebra, I flunked every single test I took. Somehow, I still managed to always get a B. I think Mr. Martel knew I was a Christian, and he liked me. I got a "warning notice" every quarter, but always squeaked out a B on my report card. Mr. Ebert "coached" me to the Maine State Typing Championship in 9th grade, and Mr. Andrews "coached" me to win "Ms. FBLA" my senior year.
1. If you can remember, what year it was that you 1st welcomed the world wide web into your home? If you can't remember, how about a close guess :-) I think it was around 1997 or 1998. Eben was a baby at the time, and shortly after we got online, I began working from home. 2. How many hours a day in the average week do you spend in front of a computer at home, at work, how much of that requires an online connection? I spend way too much time in front of the computer, but there isn't really a whole lot that REQUIRES me to be online. I spend maybe 20 minutes every morning doing what I WANT to do--checking blogs, e-mail, reading the CTMH Bulletin Board, etc. Then my work day begins. Most of my work is just using MS Word, but all of my work must be e-mailed to the office, so that requires a connection. 3. Do you read anyone else's blog regularly? List your favorites. Regularly, I read the blogs of my brother Billy Rhythm, my Beloved sister-in-law Sue, my Aunt Ginny, my Aunt Jo, my cousin Sizzle, my cousin-in-law Big Guns, my "adopted kinda sister Lynn" (my mom used to babysit her when she was little, so she was kind of like a sister for a while), my cousin David (who hasn't posted since January but I still check daily), and Beth Moore's blog for Living Proof Ministries. I also check in with the fellow MI-5 bloggers at least once a month (Jim, Amy, etc.). 4. If you've discovered the wonderful world of Podcasting list some of your favorites. Whether you have or haven't share your thoughts on the concept. Like Beloved, I had to ask Billy Rhythm about podcasting. I have never done it, and I'm not sure that I ever would. Neat thing though, I guess. 5. Click on your history window share with us 5 websites you've recently visited and what brought you there. www.nascar.com (to see when qualifying would be broadcasted) www.closetomyheart.com (I am a consultant, and check the business bulletin board daily) www.quickandsimple.com (a weekly magazine that I love--I enter their daily contest every morning) www.soapoperafan.com (to see what is going on with Days of Our Lives---I've watched since I was probably in Junior High, but I have not been too faithful since Februaryish. www.villagesoup.com (I check the daily $5 lunch menu for Bricks every day---I keep an eye out for the Scallop & Bacon Pizza and the Fettuccine Alfredo (the best I've ever had).
Just in case anyone has tried to call us in the last several days--we are having telephone trouble. We can make outgoing calls without any problem, but we can't receive any calls. We just get a short "blip" of a ring, and it "disconnects" before our Caller ID can gather any information. A couple of times, I have been on the phone, and the call waiting will beep and the Caller ID will actually register. We have a repairperson coming today, but we are a little hesitant about it because we can't really determine if the problem is inside or outside of the house. (If it's inside, we have to pay megabucks for having them make a service call.) We plugged a phone into the outside jack, and the phone would work if Dwane held the plug "just right". We'll see.
Sue says: I am leaving tomorrow to volunteer at a children's camp for a week, so this week's question are inspired by that. 1. Did you ever go to a "sleep away" and/or day camps when you were a kid? I went to Camp Fair Haven when I was about 9, I think. If I had not been such a "homebody", as I am now, I think I would've really liked it. The first couple of days I was at camp, I cried because my parents left me. The last couple of days, I cried because I was afraid my parents would forget to pick me up. Wednesday was a good day. 2. Do you enjoy camping? If so, what type: "roughin' it" in a tent or a more cushy style in a camper or trailer? Camping is one of those activities that I really, really, really want to LOVE, but right now, I'm still at the KINDDA LIKE stage. I definitely prefer being in the 34' camper that we have now, instead of the tent that we used to use. However, being in a cushy camper just isn't the same as camping in a tent trailer like when I was a kid. THAT was really camping. Dwane will have nothing to do with a tent trailer though. 3. What's your favorite camping and/or outdoor activity? I really like roasting marshmallows and hot dogs on a stick (not together though, obviously). I also like taking in the "sites" in the surrounding area. The last time we went camping (a couple of weeks ago), we went to Santa's Village. That was great fun. I also enjoy checking out the local Wal-Mart!! :) 4. Did you ever work/volunteer at a camp? No. 5. Any interesting/funny camping stories? When I went to Camp Fair Haven, we had a "Missionary Story" every day after lunch. I remember it being in one of the cabins, and the light just consisted of a bare lightbulb. Every day, during that missionary story, I would catch myself falling asleep looking at the lightbulb.
1. Hagrid took care of some unusual creatures while at Hogwarts. What was the most unusual "creature" you've ever taken care of? I don't think I've had had an unusual creature to take care of. I've always had cats. I did have a Gerbil once, and now I have a couple of rabbits. Pretty normal stuff. 2. If you were given magical powers for 24 hours, what would you do? I think I would like to have the ability to invisibly teleport myself so that I could listen in on conversations. 3. The Hogwarts Express has a major part in the series. Have you ever been on a train? Where did you go? Share with us your experience. I've never been on Amtrak, although I would like to sometime. I have been on subways in New York City, Boston, and Montreal. I went on some haunted trainride in Connecticut, and other than the kiddie train rides at amusement parks, that's been about it. 4. Why do you think the world has gone so crazy for All Things Harry Potter? Before I read any of the books, I thought it was the whole "Satan Disguised as an Angel of Light" type of thing---that it all about witchcraft and it was just one of those things that the Bible warns us about. I have read the first two books now, and I'm not sure I agree totally with my previous opinion (although I'm not totally ready to discount that opinion either). The books are very well written. 5. And finally, describe a "magical" moment in your life. I guess like many of the others have said, it would have to be the days my boys were born, and also my wedding day (except for when Dwane locked us out of our car on our wedding night!).
Billy Rhythm says: This week's MI-5 is based of the most recent "Antiques Roadshow" I saw on PBS. They were in Portland, I think. 1) For the kid who brought in the Summer, Winter, and Fall figurines Spring'>Spring was missing. Do you have something that you've held onto, even though it's missing some pieces, or may even be broken? What is it? Why do you hang onto it? The first thing that popped into my head was my teddy bear. He's missing a couple of eyes. I hold on to him because he was a gift to me from my grandmother when I was two years old. He was the only thing I took with me when our house burned down back in 1977. He went to college and on my honeymoon with me. I even have a formal picture of me in my wedding gown holding my teddy bear, 2) For the guy who brought in original transcripts from the bombing of Pearl Harbor: Tell us a story about something that happened to you, or something special you remember, that happened on a historic date. If you can't think of anything, fall back on the "Where were you when Kennedy was shot" sort of thing. I remember being an assistant teacher in Mr. Andrews' Advanced Office Procedures class when the Challenger Shuttle exploded in January of 1986. We were watching the take-off because the shuttle held the first teacher in space. 3) For the lady who had her great-great-who-knows-how-many-greats grandmother's clothes from the Bahamas: What's the oldest piece of clothing you own? Do you still wear it? Why do you have it? I have my Husson College cheerleader uniform from 1986. There may be something older, but nothing that I can think of specifically. I hold onto it for old times' sake, I guess. I doubt I'll ever fit into it again (not that I would need to wear it anywhere anyway). 4) For the guy who brought in a working model motorboat: Tell us something about an interesting toy from your childhood. I had a Barbie Townhouse, the one with the elevator. I loved it. I had tons of Barbie stuff, all of which burned up in the fire. Someday, when I am rich, and have a house that is so big that I have empty rooms, I am going to buy all of those items from E-bay and set up my very own Barbie world. Hopefully, Julia will still play with me. 5) One lady brought in what she thought was a Native American fish hook. Turned out it was a Polynesian cannibal "brain pick'! Have you ever owned something that you thought was one thing, and it turned out to be something else? If not, how about something in your house that you don't know what it is? The first thing I thought of is all of the Audio/Visual/Computer cords I find laying around the house. I have no idea what they are. From time to time I take a box, gather them all up, and put them on Dwane's bureau. I'm sure he knows what they all are, but I don't have a foggy.