Monday, January 29, 2007

My brother normally does a "weekend wrapup", so I guess I'll try one today.

We went to Augusta & Lewiston on Friday afternoon in order to do a couple of errands and meet up Dwane's brother, Shane, who was visiting from Florida. We had a buffet dinner at Governor's, and we had a good time. The food was good, too, and by having a buffet, we were in and out of there pretty quickly.

On Saturday morning, I did a 4-mile in home walk with boosted intervals before going to Rachel's funeral. Oh my! What a gut-wrenching experience that was! Ronda had told me that there would be lots of balloons, because Rachel really loved mylar balloons. When I walked into the church, there were bunches of balloons surround by tons and tons of pictures of Rachel. In the sanctuary, Rachel's carriage was there, filled with some of her favorite things. The casket was draped with a white cloth and there were several items on top of the casket (her hearing aides and glasses, maybe?), and some of her favorite toys were in front. Dr. Faulkingham, Rachel's pediatrician (and also the doctor of my boys) gave the eulogy. After the service, Mike and Ronda took mylar helium balloons outside. They had attached notes to Rachel to the balloons, and they released them to heaven. Oh, no. I'm crying again thinking about it. The grandparents released balloons, as well. The was a huge luncheon after the service, but we (Dwane, Mom & I) didn't stay. I hugged Ronda, her mom, and her sister, and then we quietly left. I was ashamed for awhile, because I caught myself actually sobbing during the service, while Ronda was holding it all together (at least on the outside). I think I was given a lesson about "bearing each other's burdens". Obviously, Rachel's death will not affect my day-to-day life, but it has certainly influenced my thinking. Oh, if I could just take away just a fraction of Ronda's pain. I know what it's like to lose a Dad. How much worse must it be to lose a child? My heart was breaking for Ronda.

Saturday night, Shane and his son, Preston, came to visit. My mother-in-law had come from Mechanic Falls to watch the boys during the funeral, and she made a crockpot of meatballs for supper. They were good! Her SO, Normand, picked her up in the afternoon.

Which brings me to the next part of my story. My mother-in-law has a female guinea pig. We have a male. She decided they should mate. Gloria loves animals, and used to breed and raise Himalaya cats. I think she would breed just about anything she could. I mean no disrespect--she just loves animals. Anyway, it was somehow decided that the breeding would take place at my house, instead of hers. I'm not sure how that happened, but her Cherokee is now living with our Buddy. This is probably too much information for you all, but the mating rituals of guinea pigs is something else. The male walks slowly around the female, and then starts shaking his butt. Caleb thinks this is absolutely hilarious. I try to keep Eben away. You might also be interested in knowing that a female only is interested in a male for about 6 hours every 18 days. And during this 6 hours, they like to mate every 4 minutes or so!!!! And what happens when the female isn't interested?? The male tries anyway. Every 4 minutes! That means during my 3 mile work out this morning, I had to watch an attempt about 10 times! This is ridiculous. She's picking Cherokee up again at Caleb's birthday, and if the deed hasn't happened by then, Mom's gonna be out of luck. I can't handle it for any longer than that. I did ask her if I got a "stud fee". She said I get a baby guinea pig. Oh goody! The twins really love Buddy. Maybe I'll give them a baby guinea big for their birthday!

Yesterday was church, and I don't think there was anything out of the ordinary yesterday. I didn't do my workout yesterday. The first time in a week that I had missed. There is just too much going on before church to try to squeeze in 45 minutes of exercise.

Tonight Eben has a Cub Scout Pack Meeting, and then Miss America is on (my favorite pageant). Ma--did you remember to get cardboard pizzas and cinnamon buns? I've got the cinnamon buns, so I suppose I'll be throwing them in the oven for Dwane. They are something I can do without, but he loves them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lisa this will be an experience you will always remember.To have animals is a big responsibilty.Since all my babies are grown and have babies of there own then I filled the void with my animals. There is no more a rewarding or life changing experience than to see animal or human giving birth to life. When you see animal or human being born if it is a part of you child or dog or cat or guniea pig.Knowing that you helped in some way to bring that little life into the world for someone to love. Also when you see the miracle of birth it to me reminds me of how our loving Creator God must have took great and loving care to bring us life. Love between a man and woman is very special. As some animals also love and mate for life.The eagles and many more. It is my joy in life to help bring life into the world. No longer can it be children but I can still have that experience by helping bring life into the world through my animlas.Love Mama

10:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going to do a blog Lisa.Mama

10:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,

I have never responded to your blog but it's been a good way for me to keep in touch with you nonetheless. Thank you for thinking that I was strong during Rachel's service. The truth, however, is that I was shaking so bad that Mike and Sheila (Dr. Faulkingham's summertime nurse) literally had to hold my thighs/legs down because otherwise I would have shaken myself right off of that pew. I would just about get myself under control by "tuning out" for a moment, and as soon as I started paying attention again, I would shake. I am not strong at all--I just don't want to make other people suffer from the depth of my pain.

Regarding the balloon: one of my biggest sources of comfort from this entire death experience is that Mike's & my balloons rose straight to Heaven, as if they had magnets on the top of them. They flew side by side, on their mission, quickly out of sight. Technically speaking, our balloons were weighted down by our notes and thus shouldn't have flown so well. Meanwhile, the grandparents' balloons, without notes, barely rose into the sky. One flew into a bush at the church. Another made it across the street and that was it. I know deep within my soul that Rachel was watching over all of us that Saturday and couldn't wait to get a new balloon from Mama and Dada.

Thank you to and your family. The prayers have been such a comfort.

Finally, I often find myself thinking of Bill and how I'm sure he is by her side, showing her how to do some of the fun things that she could never do here on Earth, like playing Bingo and having a food fight!

Love and hugs to you!

8:47 AM


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