Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I kindda dieted, kindda didn't yesterday, since it was a holiday.

I did do a three-mile in-home walk, with hand weights.

For breakfast, I had the usual--hot chocolate & half a bagel with peanut butter.

No morning snack.

For lunch, I had the end of the leftover lasagna (although more than I should have) and a dish of Hershey's Chocolate Marshmallow ice cream (again, more than I should have).

No afternoon snack.

For supper, I had some boneless chicken breast, which was marinated in garlic/herb marinade and grilled outside. (Isn't my husband so sweet--he grilled it for me outside in an ice storm!) We also had spaetzle for the first time. It was a little too al dente for me. I could eat it again, but it wasn't a favorite. And, since spaetzle is $2.99 a box, and macaroni is $.69, I think I'll stick with macaroni. It's not that spaetzle has anything extra by way of health/whole grain/vitamins, etc. It's like the spaetzle was missing something. I'm not sure what it was. Maybe I didn't use enough butter!! I had made homemade spaetzle before, but I thought I had done something wrong. Apparently not. It's just not all that good. We had French-cut green beans, sauteed with a little bit of Good Seasons Italian Salad Dressing Mix from the envelope. They were pretty good, for a vegetable. I saved the leftovers so that we can eat them tonight. For dessert, I had another dish of ice cream--again, too much of it. Fortunately, there's only about one dish of that left, so that won't be around to tempt me anymore.

Didn't eat anything after that (6:30 PM), and according to Oprah yesterday, not eating 2 hours before you go to bed is the whole key to weightloss. I can do that easily. We'll see what happens. Apparently, she and Bob Greene have worked on another book. I've seen it at Wal-Mart, and maybe I'll check it out. I had just assumed that I wouldn't be able to do it, but it didn't sound to unreasonable. Since I basically hate vegetables (except for the extra-starch corn and potato), it's really hard for me to find a "healthy" diet. For me, I just have to eat less of what I already eat. Calories in vs. Calories out. That's what I've got to do.


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