Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Ok. Where was I?

I think I told you that I did a new Leslie Sansone walk yesterday. I did another one today. The 3 Fast Miles. This was another good workout. There were some new steps (actually, older steps that she brought back again) which made it fun. Some mambo and grapevine steps to name a few.

I didn't do too well with eating yesterday. Bet you're not surprised. I had two cups of hot chocolate with skim milk for breakfast. No morning snack. For lunch, Caleb wanted "macamonis", so I could some macaroni shells. I also opened up a can of corned beef. So, I had some buttered macaroni shells and can corned beef for lunch. I did not have seconds. I was happy about that, but my firsts were still more than I should've eaten. First, though, I'm going to make progress at not eating seconds before I cut down on my firsts. That will come in time. For dessert I had a Hershey bar. Yikes!! For afternoon snack, I had another Hershey bar. Yikes again! Supper consisted of pot roast and potatoes from the crockpot. Again, I did not eat seconds, although I did pick at the meat a little bit as an "evening snack". The pot roast had pieces of garlic placed inside it, and it was cooked on a bed of potatoes, yellow pepper, red pepper, and red onion. A little different from the traditional carrots. Of course, I didn't eat any of the veggies but the potatoes. For dessert I had about 1/6 of one of those Jello Cheesecake mixes, made with skim milk (one of Dwane's absolute favorites!). I definitely increased my water intake yesterday, and felt really sloshy by the end of the evening.

For breakfast this morning, I had 2 cups of hot chocolate. After exercising, I drank about 3 cups of water, and made two slices of toast (Mom's homemade bread) with a little bit of peanut butter. It tasted really good, but you know, after 1/2 slice, I was full. So what did I do??? I bet you thought I ate it anyway. Nope! I threw it away! Can you believe that?? I can't!! I was just too full, and it was making me nauseous to think about eating it. We'll see how long I stay full. I think it had something to do with the exercising and water. I've heard it said that exercising can suppress your appetite some.

For lunch, I plan to have some leftover pot roast, or a corned beef sandwich. Just depends on how I feel. Supper will not be healthy. We're having chicken parmesan. I'm plan on cooking


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