Friday, September 08, 2006

1. Discounting immediate family and teachers, who had the biggest influence on your life as a child?

I don't know if she had the BIGGEST influence, but Ruth Shive sure had a lot of influence. Ruth was my pastor's wife when I was in grammar school. She always seemed to be so happy, so caring, so willing to help. She played the piano and was the pastor's wife. I wanted to be just like her. (I failed miserably.)

2. Who do you hope to have positively influenced in your life?

Other than the obvious (my children), I'd have to say my former boss. I don't think I'll go into any details.

3. Who was your favorite teacher and what was it about them that made them memorable?

I loved Mr. Borgerson. He was my 5th and 6th grade teacher. He taught me a trick about the 9s multiplication tables by using your fingers. I was nicknamed "Mr. B's Maid" back then, because I loved to stay in at recess and help around the classroom--cleaning, organizing, putting up bulletin boards, washing paintbrushes, whatever. I hated having to go outside to play, and I would do just about anything to stay inside. Too bad I still didn't have that cleaning and organizing bug. I could sure use it! I think he and I had a special bond--kind of like a "mutual admiration society". He used to help me with my Pioneer Club stuff for church, too, something that is probably unheard of nowadays. I also really loved Mrs. Bouchard in 4th grade. We hatched chickens, learned double-multiplication, and she instilled my love for Laura Ingalls Wilder. She was a peach!

4. What was the last book, other than the Bible, that you read that made you sit up and take notice of the world around you/ your own life?

You know, if I have time to read, I usually don't read something that makes me have to "think and take notice". I prefer something that's much easier and requires less brain function. Man, I can't even think of the last book I read. What was it? Oh, I know. It was "Speaking Mom-ese" by Lisa Whelchel. I absolutely love anything by Lisa Whelchel--very fun and lightheard, but still lends itself fairly well to learning something. But as far as "sitting up and taking notice", well, I don't know that I've ever read something like that.

5. Speaking of influences, tell the truth, have you ever driven "under the influence" of anything, a song, a thought, a sermon, refreshment, etc.?

Well, I've never been under the influence of drugs or alcohol, so I haven't driven under that kind of influence. I'm sure that a song has captured my mind many a time while I'm driving, and I know that when I used to drive back and forth to PBMC to see Dad, my thoughts were totally concerned with that.


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