Saturday, August 26, 2006

Jim's MI-5

Labor Day is coming and for many people that spells a sort of end to the formal summer. This week we look back a bit at summer.

1. What was the best thing you did this summer as in most fun or most positive?

I think the most fun we had was about two Saturdays ago. We went to see the Speed (TV) Truck (a semi) at a gigantic camper place in Auburn. While the Speed Truck was somewhat of a letdown, we all had a huge bunch of fun going through all of the campers. Caleb and Eben would just run from camper to camper, with Caleb saying "I want that one," for each and every one he went into it. (Most of which had a $100,000+ price tag!) We then went to Dollar Tree in Augusta, and had fried seafood at The Barn in Augusta. We didn't spend a whole lot of money that day, but we all said it was just a bunch of fun!

2. What accomplishment did you want to make this summer that you wanted to make?

Well, we made it to a Nascar race, camped at the race track, and completely surprised Eben with the trip for his birthday. I'm not sure it was a completely successful accomplishment, but we accomplished it nonetheless.

3. Was there anything you wanted to do this summer that you were unable to do?

I really wanted to spend more quality time with the kids. I wanted to take them to a lake swimming. I wanted to try to do it without Dwane, simply because I wanted to gain some confidence that I could safely take two kids to a beach by myself. I didn't get to the beach with Dwane, let alone without him. I wanted to spend more time reading books, playing games, and that type of thing. Technically, I'm only supposed to work 8 hours a week, but this summer it has grown to 12, 15, 17 hours. It's amazing how much that extra work time really cut into my "fun".

4. Is there anything you want to get done before the true end of summer in a few more weeks?

Play games with Eben and Caleb! (See #3 above!) I've talked to my boss, and she seemed to be very understanding. We'll see how the next week or so goes. (I'm not entirely hopeful.)

5. Do you have any thoughts about next summer and anything you want to do?

Definitely get a better grip on controlling my work hours. Go camping in our new camper.


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