Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Boy! Yesterday was a busy day!

I worked for an hour or so first thing in the morning, and then I took Ma and Aunt Ruth to the Nursing Home for Bingo. While they were at Bingo, I made a quick trip to the bank, and then picked up stuff at both Wal-Mart and Hannaford. Back to the Nursing Home to pick up Ma and Aunt Ruth, then took Aunt Ruth home, and went around the drive-through at McDonalds to get a quick lunch. (My boys are both obsessed with the movie "Cars", and McDonalds' Happy Meals now contain "Cars" toys. If anyone want to eat a Happy Meal, I know a place where you can deposit the toys!)

After inhaling lunch, Ma, Mom, Caleb and I head to Eben's school for the third annual talent show. Eben played his guitar with Philip R. They played "Smoke on the Water". In their second act, they played a couple of chords while two girls did a clapping game (similar to "Miss Mary Mac, Mac, Mac, All dressed in black, black, black). Eben said afterwards that he was really, really nervous, but he did an absolutely fantastic job. In fact, those two acts were the best acts out of the entire 34!

Shortly after coming home, Ma and Sarah came by to visit. Sarah had just been on vacation at Key West, Florida, and she had bought gifts for the boys. Caleb was napping (he slept from 3:30 to 7:00), but Sarah had time to play football and Sega Fishing with Eben. Both boys were thrilled with their gifts. Eben got a crystal lighthouse, and Caleb got a squirting fish and some bubbles. The gifts were all perfect for them.

Alice came down in the early evening, and we created some thank you notes for her son, Brandon. Brandon is graduating from 8th grade today, and he wanted thank you notes for his teachers.

Dwane got home about 7:30, so it was a quick and easy supper (homestyle Filet-o-fish sandwiches), and then an early bedtime. Sleep was interrupted, though, when Dwane came rushing into the bedroom saying, "Something's going on down the street." Off he went. He came back, hopped on his four-wheeler, and headed off again. Apparently, someone had hit a moose right in the head. The Sheriff needed someone to haul it off the roadway. Of course, Dwane volunteered, and he hauled off a 700 pound moose with his four-wheeler. He ended up waking Eben up to go see it (this was about 11:00 PM). Dwane is just too cute.


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