Amy's Hodgepodge MI-5
1. A meal is being prepared in your honor. What is prepared (include specific dishes and don't forget dessert as this is a special occasion!)? Who is invited? Why are you being honored? Do you give a speech?
Oh, we definitely have to have lobster. And maybe filet mignon wrapped in bacon. (I've never had that, but it sounds good.) Mashed potatoes with a puddle of butter. Corn on the cob. Baquette bread. Can I give up dessert to have more lobster? If I can't, then I think I'd say chocolate cream pie. My entire extended family (including my church family and in-laws) are invited, as are Alice, Ronda, and their families. Why am I honored. I have no idea. Best church pianist that's never had a professional piano lesson? (for which I'm awarded free Southern Gospel Piano Lessons.) #1 Scrapbooker in need of organized space? (for which I'm awarded with a two-storage garage, and you guessed it, the top floor is an entire scrapbook room complete with tables for scrapbooking parties. I picked a garage so that Dwane could have something, too. I want one like Lucille's.) # 1 Paralegal that works from home, trying so hard to balance family and housekeeping? (for which I'm awarded a lifetime of free maid service.) I'd definitely give a speech. Not sure what I'd say, but I tend to kindda like public speaking (not that I'm any good at it), so I'm sure I'd come up with something.
2. Your neighbor accidently backs into your car and gives it a nice sized dent. The dent is for the most part purely cosmetic in nature. The neighbor is a nice guy...and also doesn't really want insurance companies to get involved. He gives you the option: have his friend (whom you don't know at all) fix for you or take it to a repair shop. What do you choose and why?
If he was paying for the work to be done, I'd take it to the repair shop. If he's only paying for it if his friend does it, then I'd probably just have Dwane do it. I'd trust him more. Maybe the neighbor could provide us with a lobster dinner (see #1 above) in exchange for the work.
3. You win a trip to any place OUTSIDE of the United States. Where do you go? You can take only two people with you...who do you take?
Only two people! That's really tough. Dwane would need to go. And then I guess I'd say Eben, figuring that Caleb wouldn't be old enough to enjoy it. And I'm sure that he'd rather stay with Nana anyway. Where would I go? That's tougher to say, I guess. If the Holy Land was safe, I'd really, really love to go there. I think I'm kindda scared of it now, though. Maybe I'd pick Fiji. And get one of those cottages with the glass floor so that you can see the fish swimming under it. In that case, I'd take my cat instead of Eben so that Dwane and I could have some alone time.
4. Now let's talk about work. You bend over backwards to get something done quickly for someone as a courtesy because of the situation- something that requires you to call on other people to do YOU a favor to get it done. They don't say thank you and the next time they require something of you they expect it to be done just as fast. What do you do?
If it was my boss, I guess I'd do it all over again, because I'm a sucker, and I tend to respect authority (almost too much). If it was a friend, I'd come up with an excuse to not do it. I guess that's not really very nice to do to a friend, but all of my friends would bend over backwards to say thank you to begin with.
5. If you could start A NEW hobby...any hobby...(money is NO object) what would it be?
Well, if I was a good wife, I'd say skiing, or maybe four-wheeling. That would be so that Dwane and I could do something that we both would maybe enjoy. Oh, I know! Dwane loves his motorcycle. If money was no object, maybe I'd pick buying a Honda Goldwing (or two) and tour the country. Maybe we could follow Bill and Sue in their convertible across Route 66. If I was going to pick a hobby for just me, I think I would take up ballroom dancing, or just dancing in general. I have always wanted to do that (Dwane's work schedule always seems to preclude lessons). And now, with Dancing with the Stars so big, it's really fueled my desire to try it.
This was a fun one, Amy! Thanks!
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