Wednesday, January 09, 2008


I am tardy on posting about Eben's basketball game on Saturday. He scored two baskets! I jumped right out of my seat and cried! I think other parents got a kick out of my excitement. I just couldn't control myself. I was so excited! (So was Eben!)

Eben is taking his geography test as I am typing this. I pray he does well. We were told that the test was VERY hard. He has been studying every night, but there's only so much geography you can learn in 5 days! He really got a kick out of quizzing me. I was getting all of the US geography questions right, so that was boring him. Dwane told him to try the World Geography questions instead---that I wouldn't even get one of those right. Well, just so you know...I got 8 out of 10 questions right! Probably because none of them were about Finland!)

Of course, with the New Year, I wanted to diet. I weighed in on January 2, but didn't really try to do anything until Monday. As of today, I have lost .9% of my body weight. Not much percentage, but pound-wise, it was pretty good for only 2 days of really trying. I am cutting way back on calories for breakfast, lunch, and snacks, then eating what I want for supper. I know it should be the other way around, but one step at a time. I am also doing 1 hour of DDR each morning. This morning, I burned 367 calories in that one hour.

Let's see...Is there anything else to tell you? My boss is back from her month-long vacation. I spent 1 1/4 hours on the phone with her this morning, and now I have plenty to do. She is really seriously thinking about retiring, or at least taking a winter-long "vacation" every winter. That doesn't sound too good for my job. If anyone hears of something I can do at home come December, please let me know! Of course, I'd love to get into the school system, but we shall see what God has in store.

Seems like there was a lot more I wanted to say, and now I can't think of it.

Oh--Amy did this really cool I-pod thingie on her blog, and I really want to try that. Hers really cracked me up. I may try that when I get back from picking Eben up.

Until then...I love you all!


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