Tuesday, January 01, 2008


I just knew that you guys were absolutely chomping at the bit to know how I spent my New Year's Eve, so here it is!

I woke up at 7:11 AM yesterday. I mention this because it was the latest I slept the entire Christmas school break. Only until 7:11 AM! Sometimes I wish that I could sleep a little later.

Dwane had been up since 4:00 AM. He hadn't been feeling well the last several days and had spent quite a bit of time in bed. I think his body was screaming, "Would you please just get out of bed already!" So when I woke up, he made me some toast with scrambled eggs and American cheese. It was very good.

I spent most of the morning doing legal work. Year end wrapping up sort of stuff. Contacting clients that we hadn't heard from in a month or so.

Dwane had to work at the Samoset in the afternoon, so I took a nap. I had had a dry cough for the last couple of days, so I didn't know if it was my blood pressure medicine (a dry cough is a potential side effect), or if I was coming down with the cold/crud stuff that Caleb and Dwane had/have. I have really weaned myself from those afternoon naps, but I thought it was the perfect day to take advantage of a little nap.

When I got up, I made a Chocolate Truffle Pie to take for dessert at Mom's tomorrow. This was a pre-made chocolate graham cracker crust, sprinkled with crushed pecans, drizzled with melted caramel squares, and topped with a layer of chocolate truffle stuff. Looks really yummy. After that I made a loaf of bread for Caleb and I to eat for supper. (Eben spent the night at Nana's.)

Dwane made it home for about 1/2 hour before he had to go drive the Taxi for New Year's Eve. I didn't know if he was going to make it home, so I hadn't even prepared a supper for him. He settled for a can of beefaroni.

After Dwane left for taxi, and I had eaten my bread, I prepared 6 scrapbook pages. Two pages still need to be embellished, but maybe I can crank those out today.

I went to bed at 8:00 PM. Dwane called me at midnight to wish me a Happy New Year, but he didn't get home until after 4:00 AM. Exciting New Year, huh? Sue was a Gig Widow (with no kids). Alice was a Snowplow Widow. I was a Taxi Widow (with only 1 kid). We should've gotten together to scrapbook. The weather, however, didn't really cooperate, as we had about 8 inches of snow earlier in the day.

I imagine that Dwane will sleep this morning right up until the time we leave to go to my Mom's. (Prime Rib and Pork Roast on the menu.) Then the snow starts again. We're supposed to get a foot today to add to the 8 inches we got yesterday, to add to the 4 or so inches we got just prior to the weekend. (I think that's when it was.) I think we got more snow in December than we normally get all year. I heard a weather forecaster chuckle this morning that before long, we'll be able to use the snow as insulation for our houses, and maybe we'll save a little on those outrageous heating bills!!!

Hope you all have a great 2008! My love to all of you!


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