Thursday, December 20, 2007


I can't believe I forgot to post this earlier...

Eben scored a point at last Saturday's game against Thomaston! Go, Eben! At these basketball games for the 5th/6th graders, each player is allowed one foul shot during half-time. If they make the basket, they score a point for the team. And Eben scored!!! Unfortunately, Dwane had gone to the bathroom and missed it, but Mom, Ma, Aunt Ginny, Caleb, and I all got to see it. (We didn't realize that the boys could actually score a point--we thought it was just a type of warm-up thing.)

After the game, we asked Eben about the momentous occasion: "Well, the two guys in front of me both scored a point, so I was really feeling the pressure. The ball bounced off the edge of the rim, and went in. I felt really good!"


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