Sunday, January 14, 2007

Let's see? How is my weekend going?

I woke up at 4:17 AM on Saturday. I had to go to the bathroom, and despite numerous attempts at trying to go back to sleep, I gave up around 6:00 AM. I read my devotions (doing Beth Moore's study "Daniel"--which is awesome), and then decided to do some work. I have a case going on right now with my former boss as the opposing side. I want to do an extra good job (for obvious reasons), so I thought I'd get a head start. It was mostly making photocopies, and making photocopies, and making more photocopies. Boring, I know, but it had to be done. I did a little research about Notice in Probate Proceedings, and ate some of those dark chocolate macadamia nuts. I guess that was my breakfast. I didn't even have my hot chocolate. Dwane was working for a couple of hours in the morning, and the boys were sleeping, so that was nice to be able to do some work in quiet (except for the news on the TV). When the kids got up, they each watched a movie. Eben watched one of the Star Wars movies, and Caleb watched Barnyard. While they watched their movies, I did my 3-mile inhome walk with the stretchie band.

I had one Archway Raspberry Filled cookie before lunch. For lunch, I had a breaded haddock patty on a roll with a slice of cheese, and some frozen French fries, which I cooked in the oven. Then, Dwane, Caleb & I took a nap. Since I had been up since 4:17 AM, I really needed it. After my nap, I made a small lasagna. Chef Boyardee makes a really great lasagna mix. Unfortunately, though, I can't find it in Rockland. I brought home two from Virginia, and then I found some more at Ocean State Job Lots in Belfast. The mix is nothing fancy--just a jar of sauce that you add your own meat to, some parmesan cheese, and the noodles. You have to add your own ricotta, mozzarella and meat. I did try to be somewhat good, though--I used fat-free cottage cheese instead of ricotta, and I used low-fat mozzarella. There's just something about that Chef Boyardee sauce, though. I just love it. (I love their pizza sauce in their pizza mixes, too. I wish you could just buy "Chef Boyardee Sauce".) If anyone ever needs to know what to get me for my birthday, a box of Chef Boyardee Lasagna would make me very happy. (So does ham casserole and pink socks. Wink, Wink to Aunt Ginny.) Oh yeah, I also had some of that frozen garlic bread stuff. Eben adores that.

We ended up making a trip to Wal-Mart after supper. Dwane needed some coax cable, and I was really hankering for a puzzle book. Caleb really wanted a drink, so Dwane had Blueberry Coffee, and the rest of us had kiddie-size orange coolattas. The orange ones have more calories, but less fat than the mocha one, which is my favorite. I thought I'd be different. I ended up with about 4 cold brains just trying to get down that one kiddie coolatta. I gave up about 1/2 way down.

I went to bed fairly early, while Dwane hooked up our new high-speed internet connection. I won't get into that. Anyway, I did a couple of puzzles, "helped" Caleb into jammies "all by hisself", and went to sleep.

So far this morning, I've had two cups of hot chocolate, and a bowl of cereal. I found some chocolately Special K, and thought I'd try it. I was disappointed, though. I thought that the chocolate would be in the flakes (like a giant Cocoa Pebble), but instead, they were plain ole Special K flakes, with pieces of chocolate floating around. The chocolate wasn't enough to give you a chocolate taste. A disappointment. Caleb's up. So I'm off.


Blogger Billy Rhythm said...

Dwane needed some coax cable, and I was really hankering for a puzzle book.

I wish you had let me know. I have tons of the stuff cluttering my basement. The coax, that is.

8:53 AM


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