Saturday, March 25, 2006

My Brother's MI-5:

Fighting Off the Blues

1) What's the saddest movie you've seen? Do you re-watch it? What's the premise?

"Beaches" comes to my mind first. There was a movie called "My Life", I think, with Michael Keaton. I recall that was pretty sad, too. I've only seen that one once, and I don't remember a whole lot about it, just that it was sad.

2) What's the saddest book you can think of? Is there a memory that goes with it?

A sad book. Hmmm. Oh, I know. The Bridges of Madison County. Just when you think that book can't get any sadder, it does. I went from tears streaming down my cheecks to sobbing. Most people probably wouldn't think of that being a sad book, but it killed me.

3) How often do you find yourself in a funk? What do you do to get out of it?

Since Dad died, I find myself in a funk about once a day. It doesn't last long, but it's pretty deep when it happens. Especially when I go by the end of Rackliff Island Road. I have no idea what that means, but I cry about everytime I pass that road. There are a lot of changes going on in my life right now about finances, too, and that can sometimes get me in a funk at 3:00 in the morning. I know I'm not supposed to worry about it, but it can get my kindda funky, I guess.

4) Commiserate with me: share a bleak memory, and let's wallow together.

What comes to mind first is when Dad was in ICU and he had to have a spinal tap. He was in so much pain. It was the first time that I actually thought, "It would be easier to deal with the pain of losing Dad, than to deal with the pain of seeing him suffering." It was horrible. (Thanks for the wallowing, Bill.)

5) Cheer me up: tell something you remember fondly.

Billy and his blues. I remember this little ditty I used to sing to him when he got into one of those "moods". "I've got the negative blues..." Remember, Bill? Probably was the only blues song I've ever sung in my life. The other thing I used to say to Bill when we were young was "Billy--take action!" I would say this when I was mad at Michael, and Billy would go sit on him or something.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember that MY LIFE came out right around the time my dad's friend died of cancer...and that is what it is about. It was A LONG TIME ago...I forgot about it.

2:45 PM


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