Thursday, March 09, 2006

My brother, Billy Rhythm, requested a new post. So--here it is! :)

I guess the most exciting thing that has happened is that Eben won the local PineWood Derby on Saturday! He worked so hard on his car this year, and with some help from Daddy, he had a winner. He will take his car to the Regionals on April 8 in Brunswick.

On Saturday, we'll be celebrating Dwane's 40th birthday. Did I already post about that? My mind doesn't work anymore. Anyway, his Mom his coming here to make his favorite childhood meal for everyone. Dwane really loves "Steamburgers". His Mom used to make them when they were going on a road trip in the car. It's a mixture of hamburg, barbeque sauce, spaghetti sauce and onions. The mixture is placed on a hamburger bun and then wrapped in tinfoil, so that the hot meat steams the bun. So, we'll have those, chips, and soda. I think I'm going to make 40 cupcakes in lieu of a birthday cake. Dwane's favorite cake is the cake from Shaw's, and we had that on his actual birthday on Monday. So, I want to do something a little different. I think I'll make some chocolate, some white, and maybe some strawberry ones, and then frost them with a variety of can frostings (also a favorite of Dwane's). I think I'm going to write the numbers 1 through 40 on each cupcake, and then put a candle in each one.

Our Interim Pastor is starting a Bible study on Heaven. Both my Mom and Dwane thought, "Wow! Lisa is going to want to come to this!" It's kindda funny, though. I'm not sure that I want to. I'm not sure I'm ready to deal publicly with those feelings about Heaven, Dad, and my desire to be in Heaven myself (not a suicidal thought--just a longing that most Christians have). I'm not sure I can get past the emotion of it all just yet. I've alread read the book that he'll be using for a majority of his text: Heaven, by Randy Alcorn. It's an awesome book. I highly recommend it. It was when I read that book that my desire to go to Heaven strengthened so much (that plus the fact that the reading of that book coincided with the same time that Dad got to go to Heaven). So, I'm not sure what I'll do about Bible Study. Dwane has offered to stay home with the boys so that I can go. But, Dwane hasn't read the book. It might be more beneficial for him to go. I'll just have to see what I feel like come Tuesday night, I guess.

My new job is still going great. I've been putting in about 12-15 hours the last couple of weeks, which is a little more than I'd like. But--this job is so great for my ego. I've never been told how smart I am, how great I write, how wonderful my mind is, as much as I have in the last month. My boss can't believe I have never gone to law school, encourages me that I should still consider going, and can't understand how I got where I am with only one semester in college. (I told my new boss that was, in large part, all thanks to my old boss.) Anyway, with the troubles of the past year, this work is a little ray of sunshine.


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