Friday, March 03, 2006

The Education MI-51. (To see my brother's answers, go to

1. What was your favorite subject in grade school? High school? College?

In grade school, I think I liked just about everything. Math was probably my least favorite, but I don't know if I actually had a favorite. Maybe reading. In high school, Advanced Office Procedures with Mr. Andrews was my favorite. That was when I could take the typing and shorthand that I had learned and really apply it to a life-like office. I hated college. I was only there a semester, so I don't even have many classes to choose from. I guess I'd pick typing. I enjoyed Psychology, but I did't really do well with it.

2. Let's say you had the opportunity to take an evening class. What subject would it be?

Definitely ballroom dancing. I've always wanted to take that. Dwane and I took a salsa class a couple of years back, but I'd really like to do ballroom dancing. Dwane's schedule is pretty tricky, so if I ever learn, it will probably be by home video.

3. Would you tell us the name of your first school crush?

My first crush was Chris Carpenter in 3rd grade. My first kiss was David Ames in 1st grade. Some friends and I put on a play of Snow White for the class. He was not supposed to kiss me, but he did. I was horrified. I remember some sort of little note/poem I got from Brian Harjula tha same year, but I can't really remember that either one of us had a crush on each other. I'm sure my Mom will remember "Little Tommy Mills", who brought me a fancy May basket in either Kindergarten or first grade. (Man! I had the men in 1st grade, didn't I?!) But, my first real "crush" was Chris Carpenter, and that went from 3rd grade right up until I graduated from high school.

4. What was your favorite "hot lunch" (lunch served in the cafeteria)? What was your favorite "cold" or brown bag lunch?

When I was a child, tuna roll (tuna fish in a hot dog roll) was my favorite. Looking back on it, I'd really love to have the hamburg and brown gravy over rice again. (Even though the rice was still a little crunchy sometimes.) I very, very rarely took cold lunch. Even when hot lunch was something I didn't like (like baked beans), I'd still heat the hot dog and yeast roll. I even drank my milk every day! When I did take cold lunch, I remember I used to take something hot in my thermos. I'm not really sure what it was, though. Maybe chicken noodle soup? Spaghettios?

5. Tell us about some cool high school field trip/dance/outing/fling you participated in, or some cool memory like that...

I'll never forget the field trip to the Museum of Science in Boston my freshman year. On the way home, the guy sitting behind me and Beth stood over, leaned over the seat, and puked on us! How gross!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Gina and I work with your brother Bill. Just wanted to say Hi and welcome you to the "official" MI-5 group. We needed some new blood. So welcome!!

10:43 AM


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