Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Remember how I said that I wouldn't be able to lose weight? And remember how I blew it last night with the gorditas and Kit Kats? Well, I got on the scale this morning, and I had lost 6 pounds! 6 pounds in 24 hours! Be real!!! My body must be solid full of water weight. I have just got to promise myself to get weighed only once a month. I literally can gain or lose 6 pounds overnight. I bet that tomorrow morning, those six pounds will be back. In fact, they'll probably invite 2 more pounds to come with them. It's ridiculous!

Ok--here's my exercise/food journal for today:

For exercise, I did Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease. Man! I love that DVD. It's so much fun. You don't even think about exercise, but your heartrate still gets up there. I told Dwane it was a good thing that he was still in bed, or it probably would've been the biggest turn-off he had ever seen! Oh, well. Once I lose about 100 pounds, maybe I'll be sexy like Carmen Electra, too.

For breakfast, I had my normal: hot chocolate made with milk, and 1/2 bagel with peanut butter.

We had to run to town to do an errand this morning, and I was quite hungry. Caleb and Dwane wanted a donut at Dunkin Donuts, but I just had a kiddie-size mocha coolatta. Normally I would have a small, but I decided to just have the kiddie-size. And, actually, that was enough to completely satisfy me until lunch time.

At lunch time, I had another one of those Michelina's TV dinners. You know, they're pretty good for 97 cents. Today it was fettuccine alfredo with chicken and a little bit of spinach. 270 calories I think. For dessert I had one of those 100-calorie packs of Oreos. Boy! Did I love those. Now my problem will be not eating the whole box!

For an afternoon snack, I had a 100-calorie package of Doritos. Not bad. Left an awful bad garlicy taste in my mouth, though. I also had a stick of colby/cheddar cheese. One of those mozzarella stick type things. I had bought them for the kids, but I thought that the protein my curb my hunger. Like yesterday's popcorn, the calories were ok, but the fat grams were up there. I'll have to get some low-fat ones.

Before we left to go to Parents Night at Eben's school, I had 2 Hershey kisses with almonds.

Then, I went all to pieces. Suppertime. My absolute weakness. I had two baked chicken legs (and I ate the skin), and a 1/2 box of scalloped potatoes. For dessert, I had 4 more of those little Kit Kats (which I think might add up to one regular-size one). The worst thing about all of that is that it was 8:00 before we got to eat. Normally, we eat at 5:30 or 6:00, and I can go without snacking for the rest of the evening. I know it's a no no to eat so late, though. It just couldn't be helped tonight, though. By the time we got home from school, and supper got cooked, it was 8:00. I was tempted to do something quick and simple, but I was afraid that my chicken would go bad if I didn't use it.

Tomorrow, I'm back to indoor walking. I'm "scheduled" to do another 3 mile walk. While I think that the indoor walking is good exercise, I have to admit that I get awfully bored with it. I need to get more aerobic striptease DVDs. I actually have the 2nd one, too, that I haven't tried yet. Maybe I'll do that on Thursday--my next off day for in-home walking.


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