Monday, October 20, 2008


I thought this was cute, so I thought I'd post it.

For whatever reason (I don't even remember), we didn't have a "normal" supper on Friday night. I was sitting at the computer, and Caleb was out in the kitchen. He hollared for me to come see what he was eating.

When I went out to the kitchen, he was beaming. He was sitting at the bar, eating what he called a "Salad Sandwich". It was two pieces of bread, with lettuce in the middle. That was all. He had pulled out the head of lettuce, pulled off the leaves and made himself a sandwich. He later dictated the recipe to me so that he could have it written down. (In case anybody else wanted the recipe.) We printed it out, and he drew a picture of his "Salad Sandwich".

Caleb is an incredibly picky eater. I am fortunate, however, that of the few foods he eats, he enjoys lettuce, cucumber, raw carrots, raw celery, grapes, apples, bananas, and tilapia. Go, Caleb!

On another note, Eben's soccer game lost on Saturday, so after the end-of-season party tonight, soccer will be done. I was really looking forward to a rest from all of the back and forth transportation, but alas, it is not meant to be. Basketball season starts in 2 weeks. Last year, it started right around Christmas time, and went through January/February. This year, it is supposed to be over for Christmas. It's good in that we won't have to do much traveling on snowy roads, but we all know how busy it is already for everyone in December. How I'm now supposed to fit in a game every Saturday and practices several times a week, I'm not so sure...


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