Life has been sooo busy lately. I keep meaning to upload some pictures so that I could show you what I've (we've) been up to, but I can't seem to find the time. Here's a list of what we've been up to, and I'll try to get some details later, maybe when I post the pictures: July 12 - Cousin Kayla's beautiful wedding. A real tear-jerker. Kayla is 18, and is (successfully) fighting thyroid cancer. Week of July 14 (I think) - Eben and Caleb went to VBS in Spruce Head. July 19 - St. George Days July 20 - Eben's Birthday Party July 23 - Birthday Party for Julia, Nathaniel, and Matthew July 24-26 - Women of Faith Trip to Boston (AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME!) Musical artists included Sandi Patty, Natalie Grant, and Nicole C. Mullen. The funniest woman alive, Anita Renfroe, was there, as was an amazing impressionist named Louise DuArt. I would go to this every weekend if I could. Did tons of walking. Boston has got to be the most poorly designed city I know for walking around--it's not a "typical grid" street system, and I could never tell exactly where I was. Had lobster & shrimp macaroni and cheese at Fanueil Hall (which was to die for). Probably why I lost only 1 pound this week, even after all of the walking. Seems like there's been lots of other stuff, too, but I can't remember. I'm too tired. Still pooped from this weekend.
Lost This Week - 1 pound Total Pounds Lost So Far - 13.6
1. What time is it? 8:29 am 2. What's your full name? My full legal name is Lisa Marie Wight. However, I want Lisa Marie Batty Wight on my gravestone. (All of you remember that, now.) 3. What are you most afraid of? Dying. Not that I fear death (I don't at all) but I very much fear leaving my children without their mom. 4. What is the most recent movie that you have seen on bootleg? I guess I don't even know what this means...If it means watching a movie "illegally", that would probably be back in 1989, in the days of videocassettes. I had a boyfriend that used to copy all of the movies he rented. I have no clue what the last movie might have been. 5. Place of birth? Rockland, Maine 6. Favorite food? Lobster 7. What's your natural hair color? I think maybe you'd call it dark strawberry blonde. 8. Ever been to rock concert? I've been to Boyz2Men, Mr. Mister, and Bryan Adams. Does that qualify as close enough to rock? 9. Ever been skinny dipping? No. Although I told someone that I did. 10. Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes. All the time. In fact, I'm crying now. Caleb just came to me and says, "I need to give you something to remember me by." (I'm leaving for Boston tomorrow.) I told him "but, Honey, you are always right here, in my heart". His reply, "But you can't see your heart." He pushed out his lower lip, turned around, and walked out of the room. 11. Been in a car accident? A deer ran into my car. No one was hurt. About $2K of damage to the car. 12. Croutons or bacon bits? I guess bacon bits. Although I really like both, I'm trying to not eat them on my salads. 13. Favorite day of the week? Sunday. Church. Lunch with the family at Mom's. Usually a Nascar Race. Billy Rhythm on the drums or bass at night church. Design Star and Next Food Network Star on TV. 14. Favorite restaurant? Applebees. 15. Favorite Flower? Yellow Roses and Pink Carnations. 16. Favorite sport to watch? Nascar. Figure Skating. Gymnastics. Most Olympic stuff. 17. Favorite drink? Right now, it's Mickey D's Sweet Tea. I'm not drinking that anymore, though--too many calories. 18. Favorite ice cream? Dorman's Mocha Chip. Ben & Jerry's Oatmeal Cookie. Ben & Jerry's Fudge Truffle Core. 19. Warner Brothers/Disney? As far as Theme Parks go? I've only been to Magic Kingdom in Orlando, so I guess I'd pick that. As far as movies go? I don't know if I even know what movies Warner Brothers have produced, so I'll pick Disney again. 20. Ever been on a ship? Yes. Carnival Cruise to Grand Cayman Island and Ochos Rios, Jamaica. 21. What color is your bedroom carpet? Sage Green. 22. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Twice. 23. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail from? Dweeble-Goose. 24. What do you do when you are bored? Play Poppet on pogo.com or any one of a number of Nintendo DS games. I need to scrapbook instead. 25. Bedtime? Usually between 8:00-10:00 PM. 26. Favorite TV shows? House Hunters. Next Food Network Star. Design Star. The Bachelor/Bachelorette. 27. Last person you went to dinner with? Dweeble-Goose, Eben & Caleb at Arby's. 28. Park or Zoo? If we are talking about a theme park, then definitely that. If we are talking about park as in a patch of grass with a bench, then definitely a zoo. 29. What are your favorite colors? Pink, pink, and pink. 30. How many tattoos do you have? None. 31. How many pets do you have? 2 Mice (Jingle and Dutchess), 1 Guinea Pig (Buddy), 2 Cats (Maggie and Snuggles), 2 Rabbits (Nelson and JarrellJean). 32. Favorite hobbies? Scrapbooking, Crocheting 33. What do you want to do before you die? See my former post about the Mi-5 Bucket List. 34. Have you ever been to Hawaii? No. But would like to go someday. 35. Have you been to countries outside the U.S.? Canada, Jamaica, Cayman Islands 36. Time this survey ended? 9:20 AM.
I am answering the MI-5 really early this week--I will be in Boston at the end of the week. Beloved says: "This week we will be celebrating all 3 of our children's July birthday's, so that is the inspiration for this week's questions." 1. What is your most vivid childhood birthday memory? I'm not sure that I have any that really stand out big time. I remember the time I got my 10-speed bicycle, the time I got the Barbie Town House (I think that was a birthday), and the time Mom made me this cake that had like 7 layers to it--each one a different color. The inside was absolutely beautiful. And, of course, the outsides of all of my cakes were beautiful--my Mom is very talented! 2. What is your most favorite adult birthday moment? As an adult, birthdays don't really mean a whole lot to me. This year, my 40th, was a fun one--Dwane took me to Augusta shopping, and I pretty much got to buy whatever I wanted. (I didn't go overboard--it's hard for me to spend money on myself.) He also bought me my pink Nintendo DS, which is one of my new best friends. 3. Does any gift that you've ever received for a birthday stand out? The amethyst ring that my Aunt Ginny gave me on my 13th birhday really stands out. My Dad had bought it for her on her 13th birthday. I wore that ring all through high school, and pretty much up until I got married and needed the finger for wedding rings. That ring is still one of my treasures, especially now that my Dad is not physically here. 4. Did you ever have a theme birthday as a child? If so, what was your favorite? I don't remember having a "theme" birthday. I remember helping my Mom plan one for Billy Rhythm. I remember designing a "pin the bone on the skeleton" type of game. He liked that macabre stuff even then. Now, I love planning theme birthdays for my kids. We've done Thomas the Tank Engine, Star Wars, Bob the Builder, Lightning McQueen, Nascar (of course), and most recently, Basketball. And, I also insist on decorating the birthday cakes, just like my Mom always did. (Of course, hers always looked way better.) 5. Talk about a birthday milestone (e.g. 16, 21, 40, etc). Ok. Ok. I might as well tell you my 21st birthday bar story. I didn't go to a bar on my actual birthday, but my then boyfriend took me about a month or two after. I was so excited to go--I got to pull out my license, show it to the bouncer, and get carded. I felt like an adult, I felt rebellious, and I thought it was kindda cool! Once I got inside, it was loud, dark, smokey, and I wondered why everyone wanted to go to the bars. I ordered my first drink: a Tequila Sunrise. (Which I ordered only because I thought it was pretty.) I think I had maybe 2 sips. It was disgusting. We left shortly thereafter, stopped at a grocery store, and bought my first pint of chocolate Haagan-Daas ice cream. That was way better than any Tequila Sunrise!!!
Lost This Week: 1.2 pounds Total Weight Loss (so far) 12.6 pounds It's coming off--slowly, but surely!
Billy Rhythm says: "Use this word equation, fill in the variable with each of the five words, and answer on your blog. Sorry they're not all that good. I was trying to think of something cool, but nothing came to me." "If I were an "X," I'd be a (blank), and here's why..." For the variable X, insert each of these: 1) Snack cake: If I were a snack cake, I'd be a Twinkee, and here's why...Twinkies are blonde, and so am I. Twinkies are nothing exciting to look at, and neither am I. Twinkies are sweet inside, and I think I'm kindda sweet, too. 2) Car: If I were a car, I'd be some sort of economy sedan trying to look like a sports car, and here's why...I can only afford economy cars, but inside, I'd really love a Mazda RX-7, or a Mazda Miatta, or a some other sort of really sport car. But, I'm a Mom, and efficiency has to rule over sportiness. 3) Kitchen Utensil: If I were a kitchen utensil, I'd be a butter knife, and here's why...I love bread and butter, especially a crusty bread that's really soft inside. With my new healthy eating habits, however, I'm not eating a whole lot of it, and I'm missing it. 4) Famous Rich Person: If I were a famous rich person, I'd be Bill Gates, and here's why...If I had lots of money, I'd really love to do lots of good with it, and while I don't know a lot about all of Bill Gates' "causes", I do know that he's very philantropic, and I'd like to be like that. 5) Over the counter medicine: If I were an over the counter medicine, I'd be Advil, and here's why...I hate to see people hurt (especially emotionally), and I like to try to make people feel better. Maybe that would really fall into a psychotic type of drug, but I don't know anything about those.
1. If I could be a fly on the wall I would WANT TO BE IN EBEN'S CLASSROOM TO SEE HOW HE REALLY BEHAVES.2. Jealousy is NOT GOOD (THAT'S ORIGINAL, HUH?).3. When I see a shooting star my wish would be that THE RAPTURE WOULD HAPPEN RIGHT AWAY.4. I'd rather be FAT than ONLY BE ABLE TO EAT RAW CARROTS any day! 5. Certain songs when I hear them make me wanna DANCE. 6. If time were in a bottle I'D CAPTURE ALL MY GOOD MEMORIES IN IT. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to GOING TO AUGUSTA, tomorrow my plans include GETTING READY FOR EBEN'S BIRTHDAY and Sunday, I want to SEE EBEN TURN 11!
Lost this week: 1.8 pounds Total so far: 11.4 pounds (I checked the leader's chart last night, so now I know an accurate total.)
Yes. You. Of course I'm talking about you. Who else could it be? My Dad used to always say that you had the easiest birthday to remember, because it was just like the convenience store, 7-11. Don't forget to blog about how you celebrated!! An extra brownie point if someone knows who I'm talking about!!
1. The weather has been way too hot for me this week. What is something you currently think is "really hot"? It could be a book, a movie, a song, an athlete, an artist, or anything. I'm thinking Saabs are really hot right now! Not necessarily are Saabs having a banner year or anything, but I test-drove a 2001 Saab a couple of weeks ago. I don't know what kind of Saab it was, but I know it was loaded. The seats were sooo comfy. It had a moonroof, and I think it was the first time I ever drove a car with a moonroof or a sunroof. Sheltered, ain't I? The dealership had it overpriced by about $2K, but I'm keeping my eyes open for one. For some reason, driving that car made me feel rich and important. Probably not too good for one's ego. Perhaps I should stick with my gas-guzzling mini-van. 2. Eben is going to camp this week. The camp focuses on games, arts, and cooking. Tell us about the last game you played, the last thing you created, or the last meal you cooked. For extra brownie points, tell us all three. The last game I played was Brain Age on my DS. I currently have the brain of a 26-year-old right now. (20 years old is "perfect".) The last thing I created is something that needs to remain a secret, at least for right now. Dwane knows. Mrs. Cheeseball knows. Oh, wait a minute...Maybe that wasn't the last thing. I did that yesterday afternoon, and I finished something else creative after that. That also has to remain a secret (at least until tomorrow afternoon). I took a picture of it, so maybe I'll add it to Flickr next week. The last meal I cooked was just about 15 minutes ago. Chocolate Chip Pancakes for the boys, and Dropped Eggs on Toast (I used whole grain white bread) for me. 3. Caleb thought he wanted a swimming pool. We bought him an inflatable pool with a small slide and a built-in sprinkler. Caleb won't go near it. Have you ever wanted/needed something really badly, and then when you had it, you decided you didn't really want/need it? I am a sucker for buying all sorts of media: books, computer games, video games, CDs, movies. There are movies I've never watched, many books I've never read, and CDs I've listened to only once. Usually, though, if I buy some sort of game, I usually do get my money's worth from that. Probably too much. See below. 4. I have been doing a Bible Study about idols (No Other Gods by Kelly Minter). Is there something in your life to which you give more time and/or attention than it deserves? Tell us about it. (This doesn't have to be deep and personal if you don't want it to be.) The computer. The computer. The computer. I feel like I sit here at this computer all day long. If it's not work, it's Poppit, my newest addiction (partially fueled by Amy). I play at www.pogo.com, and I am logged in as ebensmom almost continuously. Anyone want to play? (Since I never got any takers for Cribbage.) There's a chat room there, too. So I can tease you when I beat your pants off. 5. Who or what is "Polycarp"? If you don't know, give us your best guess. Then, you can go ahead and google it if you'd like. Since I wrote this question, you probably assume that I already know the answer, and I do. If you play the MI-5 and haven't answered your questions yet, stop reading here. Instead of telling you who or what Polycarp is/was, I'll tell you why Polycarp is even on my mind. In Sunday School this past week, the Pastor took us to the second chapter of Revelation, where the letters to the seven churches begin. The class was looking at the first part of the chapter, but my eyes drifted down to the middle chapter, to the letter to the church in Smyrna. In the margin, I had written "Polycarp". I couldn't for the life of me remember what or who Polycarp was. I asked my brother, the immensely intelligent Billy Rhythm, and of course, he knew who Polycarp was. I should note that he began his answer by saying "I know you think I know it all, but I really don't, but I just happened to read this last week..." I've always said that my brother knows at least a little about everything you can imagine, and this proves it further. He is a master student, and has the brain of a sponge. My brother can be a brilliant conversationalist because he always can intelligently inject himself into any conversation. Ok. By now he's probably ready to kill me for saying all this. Have I told you how much I love my brother?? Ok. I'm crying now.
1. Oh, I can't wait until I have a NEW CAR!! (I SEEM TO HAVE RECENTLY FALLEN IN LOVE WITH A SAAB WITH A MOONROOF). 2. DIET PEPSI is the first thing I see when I open my refrigerator. 3. I never leave home without MY PURSE. 4. If I were a condiment, I would be SALT because AS A CHRISTIAN, I SHOULD BE THE SALT OF THE EARTH. 5. TOILET PAPER COMPANIES THAT GLUE THE STARTING END TO THE ROLL is really high up on my list of pet peeves. 6. The last thing I thought of before I went to bed was ABOUT THE TV SHOW "HOUSEHUNTERS". I FELL ASLEEP BEFORE IT WAS OVER.7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to GETTING GROCERIES (YES, I LOVE TO GET GROCERIES, ESPECIALLY WHEN I CAN DO SO ALL BY MYSELF), tomorrow my plans include GOING TO KAYLA'S WEDDING and Sunday, I want to LOSE TONS AND TONS OF WEIGHT (I THINK I MAY HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN EATING TOO FEW CALORIES)!
Weight Lost This Week - 1.8 pounds Total Lost so Far - 7.6 pounds Actually, I think I've lost more. I've got to double check the leader's records. I think her chart showed that I had lost a total of 9.8 pounds. In any event, my weight is now what it was about one year ago. I've at least rid my body of the weight that I pretty much gained "on purpose". (There were several times that I knew I was going to start to "diet", and had "pig-out" weeks as a last hurrah--and then I never did start a diet. The month of December 2007 was especially "piggy".)
1. Holidays in the summer are A GREAT EXCUSE TO HAVE A COOKOUT. 2. STEAK AND CHICKEN are my favorite things to grill. 3. My thoughts are CENTERED AROUND PAYING THE BILLS FOR THE WEEK--THE NEXT PART OF MY DAY.4. THE RACE IN DAYTONA is what I'm most looking forward to this weekend! 5. My favorite book so far this summer is "REUNION" BY KAREN KINGSBURY AND GARY SMALLEY, OR MY NEW BIBLE STUDY "NO OTHER GODS" BY KELLY MINTER. 6. BIBLE STUDY is the best way to begin a day. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to MAYBE GOING TO AUGUSTA, tomorrow my plans include WATCHING THE RACE, OF COURSE, and Sunday, I want to FIND OUT THAT I LOST TONS OF WEIGHT AT THE FIRST PLACE WEIGH IN!
Aunt Ginny says: "This week's Five are inspired by the upcoming Fourth of July holiday, some directly and some indirectly. Thanks for playing and have a happy and safe holiday!" 1. AAA predicts a first ever decrease in travel for this Fourth of July due to the gas/oil crisis. Do you find that you are traveling less these days in an effort to conserve? I'm trying to conserve by reducing trips. I might get groceries a little sooner, or later, than I might normally do, just so that I can combine trips. We've been doing most of our shopping in Rockland, instead of going to Brunswick, Augusta, Portland, or Bangor (which is something we used to do fairly often). We also use Dwane's Escort Wagon quite a bit, because that's the vehicle that gets the best gas mileage. 2. Many of the news shows have been showing pieces about backyard fireworks, and the dangers involved, in the past few weeks. Do you, or have you ever, staged your own fireworks on the Fourth of July? What did you do? We used to do sparklers as kids, but I was scared of them then, and I wouldn't allow my kids to do them now. When we were in VA back in 2001, we bought some firecracker stuff at Sam's Club. It's all still sitting in the closet. God forbid that the house ever burn down--the firefighters might be in for quite a colorful display! 3. The vote for independence from England occurred on July 2, 1776. Do you plan to vote in the November elections? What are your thoughts on exercising your right to vote? I appreciate the opportunity to vote. Do I always do it? No. Should I? Of course. If there is a vote about something I really care about (abortion, gay rights, etc.), then I vote, because I feel like if I don't vote, then I have no right to complain later. When it comes to candidate type voting, I don't make it a point to vote if I don't think any of the candidates would do a good job. And, since I don't feel that I can complain if I don't vote, you won't often find me engaged in a political discussion. 4. Do you have holiday plans / traditions for the Fourth of July? Tell us about them. We usually go to the 4th of July Parade in Thomaston, and then go to Ma's for a cookout. I haven't heard about any cookout plans this year (not that my diet would even let me really enjoy cookout food), and the boys hate the noise of the firetrucks every year, so I don't know that we'll bother to do much of anything this year. Years ago, we used to go to Lucille's every year for the 4th of July--she makes lobster potato salad, which is absolutely to die for! I miss that. 5. Are you attending a parade this year on the Fourth? If so, what is your favorite part of a parade? Your lease favorite part? Will you be participating IN the parade? What will be your role? See #4 above. Obviously, noisy firetrucks are my least favorite part. My favorite parts are the marching bands, and seeing people I know in the parade (Unk, Aunt Susie, Lee, Richard, etc.)
Mammogram Results: Good Bought a Motorcycle: Bad (at least it's not a crotch-ripper this time) Update for those interested: Dwane bought a 1985 Honda Shadow (I think 500cc). It's got 9K miles on it. Dwane says it is "sweet" and that it's worth a lot more than we paid for it.