Saturday, June 28, 2008


What do Nascar, the hospital, and Carrie Underwood have in common? They all involve Dwane. Actually, Nascar and the hospital have the biggest connection, and I'm throwing in Carrie Underwood at the end.

Today, Dwane has been in New Hampshire at the Nascar track. He called me 5 times before noontime, always with some exciting news. He met Richard Petty and actually got his authograph on one of Eben's trading cards. He got a picture of Kasey Kahne's backside (which I intend to give to my friend at the Probate Court, who is really ga-ga over him). He met Larry MacReynolds (a Nascar commentator) and got his autograph on Dwane's credentials. And, since Dwane had to attend the Nationwide Driver's Meeting, he got really close to a lot of top drivers. He wanted to take a picture of them all sitting there together, but he was a little shy about whipping out a camera. Dwane had access to absolutely everything: he could go IN the garage while they were working on cars, and he even had a pass to Victory Lane.

In the afternoon, Dwane even got to visit the Infield Care Center. Apparently, Dwane was shutting a garage door, and his hand got stuck under the door when it closed. Steel on steel, with Dwane's hand in the middle. He went to the Infield Care Center where the doctor gave him some Percocet (or some such drug) and told him to go to the hospital so that he could have it x-rayed. The doctor thinks Dwane's middle finger is broken, and Dwane can't feel anything above the top nuckle. At least it was on his right hand (he is left-handed). Dwane ended up hanging out at the track for another 5 hours before he could leave. When I spoke to him last, he was finally on the way to Aunt Jo's house, and he was going to ask her if she would drive him to the hospital to have it checked.

Now, for Carrie Underwood. We're going to her concert! Yay! Yay! Yay! She's performing in Portland in October, and Little Big Town is opening for her. Double Yay! (Little Big Town sings "Boondocks", which is the song in which Eben performed his solo.) Mrs. Cheeseball and my boss are going with Dwane, Eben, and I. Caleb gets to spend the night at my Mom's. It's a long way off still, but I'm really excited about it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW...I hope Dwane's hand is ok..Egads!

That's cool about Richard Petty and Larry Mac. :D

Did he get to see tony in Victory Lane?????

Hee and that sounds like a great concert! Isn't it fun to have something like that to look forward to???

12:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and I think Kasey Kahne is kinda cute too :)

12:15 AM


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