Thursday, April 26, 2007


Amy says:

I was in a major funk last has finally started to are some funk related questions...

1. You are in a funk. What is something that you do to try to get out of it?

Listening to Praise & Worship music always helps, as does scrapbooking.

2. Sometimes music helps when I am in a a song that always makes you smile.

There are a lot of songs that make me smile. "Nothing to Lose" by Josh Gracin always makes me smile--very upbeat and fun to sing. "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" by Meatloaf is another one that brings a major smile to my face.

3. How can you tell you are in funk? Can others tell?

I think I'm usually pretty good at hiding a funk. I can put on a pretty good act when I need to. Honestly, I don't find that I get in a funk all that often. Sure, I get depressed, like when my Dad died, but I think I was allowed that. I tend to get stress headaches, and maybe they kind of put me in a funk. But I don't think I get "in a funk" the way one of my brothers does. :)

4. I know when I am in a funk I don't feel like doing the stuff I usually like to do. What is something you do when you are in your funk?

In light of my answer to #3, I'm not really sure. My guess would be that I like to take a nap. Every once in a while I really think I'd like to just stay in bed all day, but I'm not sure it's because I'm in a funk---I think I just need to catch up on some sleep.

5. If you are going to crave a it usually salty or sweet? What is your favorite cravebuster for each?

If I'm in a kind of depressed "funk", I want the traditional comfort food: macaroni & cheese, mashed potato, etc. The more carbs the better. For snacky type stuff, I sometimes crave Fritos & a peanut butter sandwich, or popcorn dripping with butter. A pint of Ben & Jerry's never hurts either--I like the Truffle Fudge Core and Oatmeal Cookie the best. Chocolate covered strawberries work too. I have eaten a whole pound in one sitting. I ate a lot of chocolate covered strawberries when my Dad was sick.


Blogger Billy Rhythm said...

"I sometimes crave Fritos & a peanut butter sandwich..."

Do you mean:

a) sometimes you crave Fritos, other times I crave a peanut butter sandwich.

b) sometimes I crave a peanut butter sandwich with some Fritos on the side.

c) I like peanut butter sandwiches with Fritos inside the sandwich.

I read it as C, which strikes me as somewhat bizzare. (Though, not at all bizzare from someone who will eat cold roast beef and pat a choux for breakfast. :-)

8:28 AM


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