Saturday, April 14, 2007


Gina says:

"Today's questions.... an eclectic group. Let's find out about YOU!"

1. If you were responsible for casting a new film about Jesus Christ, which current actor would you give the role to and why?

My pick would be Jurgen Prochnow. He played David in The Seventh Sign, and the German Soldier in my favorite TV Miniseries, "Jewels", by Danielle Steele.

2. If you had to recall a time in your life when your self-esteem was at it’s highest, when would you say that was? And why?

I'm not sure that I ever had what I would call "high self-esteem". I know that I felt pretty good my Junior year of High School--seems like I accomplished quite a bit: Cheerleading Captain, FBLA Officer, National Honor Society, etc. But that probably borders on pride. Sometimes there can be a fine line between good self-esteem and pride. I also love the feeling I get around Christmas time, when I am organizing the Mission Study, Christmas Eve Service, and sometimes helping with the Christmas Program, all while still being a Mom, Wife, and Paralegal. I like to see that I can "hold it all together" when I'm "up against it".

3. What is the most creative outlet that you have?

I would have to say scrapbooking, if you are talking about creative in an artistic sense. And even then, I don't think I am creative on my own. I don't just get a vision in my head and run with it. I have to copy it, at least to some degree. And to a certain extent, I think that my legal writing provides somewhat of a "creative" outlet. I can be original there.

4. If you had to name the emotion that you waste the most time on, what would it be. Feel free to elaborate.

Oh, probably worry. That's what Dwane would say anyway. And I know that worry is absolutely useless, and that I have to trust God to protect me and those that I love. Still, I had someone say to me recently, "If you love someone, you're going to worry, that's all there is to it." I think that's true. We are human. But I think that if we give that worry over to God, it's a much better way to handle it.

5. Complete the phrase “I love my life when…,”

I love my life when I have someone in my life that adores me, loves me, needs me, wants me, cares for me, protects me, and (this is selfish, I know) puts me high on the priority totem pole.


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