Friday, February 20, 2009


Billy Rhythm says: "I couldn't come up with anything good this week. So I'll name five places. You name five things you keep in those places, and tell something interesting about one of those five things. If you don't have one of the places, make something up. Simple, huh?

Name five things you keep in your:

1) Glove box

Straws, Napkins, Registration, Insurance Card, Random Take-Out Menus

I started keeping straws in my car because I was tired of McDonald's constantly forgetting to give me a straw when I go through the drive-through.

2) Medicine cabinet

Alice's Birthday Present, Deodorant, Toothpaste, Tweezers, Zit Cover Stuff

I always buy Alice's birthday present way in advance, and for some reason, I keep it there. Not sure why, but I've done it for years.

3) Refrigerator

Gallon of Crystal Light Peach Tea, Parmesan Cheese, Carrots, Dwane's Yogurt, American Cheese

While Caleb doesn't necessary eat a great diet, he LOVES raw carrots. When he was sick last weekend, with a fever of 104, he wanted to eat a raw carrot for breakfast.

4) Wallet/purse

Kids' Immunization Records, Pepto, Advil, Digital Camera

I have a fear of needing Pepto on the road, and not having it, so I always take caplets with me.

5) Desk drawer

I don't utilize a desk drawer for anything other than filing bills, so I'll tell you five things on my desktop: a paper oriental umbrella thingie, my address book, the TV remote control, the memory verse I'm trying to learn, a stapler.

While my hand is much, much better since my fall a week ago, using the stapler with my right hand is still quite painful. I'm getting pretty good at using it with my left hand.


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