Thursday, March 20, 2008


Billy Rhythm says: This week is the week many Christians refer to as "Holy Week." Here are five questions inspired by the week. Well, inspired in a low-brow way!

1) Palm Sunday. On this day, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a colt--one that had never been ridden before. What's the most unusual form of transport you've ever been on? Fighter jet? Submarine? Dog sled?

I don't think I've ever been transported on anything really weird. Subways in Montreal, Boston, and New York City. Roller Coasters? Do they count? Used to ride a bicycle built for two as a kid. And I could really get around on a pogo stick and on roller skates. I've been on a monorail at Magic Kingdom in Orlando. That's about it. Oh wait--I think I rode on an elephant at the Bronx Zoo. Or we could go motorcycles--I've been on both a Honda Goldwing and on one of those crotch-ripper things (which I will never get on again!).

2) Maundy Thursday. On Thursday of Holy Week, Christ and His disciples ate the Last Supper. What would you want to eat for your final meal?

Probably lobster. Steak. Scallops. Mashed potato from Bugaboo Creek or Applebee's.

3) Good Friday. Christ is crucified. What's the most excruciating physical pain you've endured? (And just so we can get some cool/interesting answers, ladies please eliminate child birth. We know that hurts wicked!)

Well, that takes out the obvious choice--child birth. I guess I would then have to pick the time that I broke my epithysis (spelling's probably wrong). It's a piece of cartilege in the ankle area that becomes bones as you mature. I was in 5th grade, and I broke it while pretending to be a horse and jumping over a block.

4) Holy Saturday. It's sometimes observed with silence. Can you think of something significant to share dealing with silence?

The first thought I have is "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all." I'm not really good at being silent. And for about the last year, I've really tried to hold my tongue when I really wanted to lash out.

5) Easter Sunday. The Lord is raised from the dead. Even many non-religious people celebrate Easter in some fashion. Do you have a family tradition on Easter? A dinner? An egg roll (the rolling of eggs on a lawn, not a noodle rolled around napa and bok choy!)? If you're Jewish and playing along, how about a Passover family tradition?

I don't think I have any Easter traditions that the average Christian American family wouldn't also have. Sunrise Service. Church. Ham Dinner at Ma's. I do like to decorate hard-boiled eggs with my boys on the Saturday before Easter. I insist on hiding foil-wrapped chocolate eggs, and actually I insist that Dwane hide them. I think that may be because my Dad did most of the hiding when we were kids, so I consider it to be a "Daddy" type of thing. My Dad used to always buy my Mom and me Orchid corsages for Easter, and I am trying to keep that tradition going by giving one to my Mom. (Someday, perhaps my husband will buy one for me, and I won't even have to "remind" him to do it.)


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