Friday, February 22, 2008


1. Are you always up-to-date on the news?

For the most part, I think I am. There are some newsworthy events that I have more interest in than others, and there is certainly a lot of news that I don't fully understand because of lack of geography or historical knowledge. But over all, I guess I'm pretty up-to-date.

2. What is your favorite hot beverage?

Hot chocolate.

3. Would you rather go to the museum of art or natural history?

Definitely natural history. There is so much art that I just don't "get". Honestly, I just don't appreciate art, so to be quite frank, I honestly find a lot of it boring. I wish I didn't. I would love to appreciate art. Maybe I will someday.

4. The best food comes from which country?

My first thought is Italy--pizza, spaghetti, meatballs, alfredo. However, I think I prefer the Americanized versions over the actual Italian versions.

5. Would you rather bicycle through Europe or go on an African Safari?

Physcially, I could never do a bicycle trek at this point in my life, but I think I would like to. I think I would like a Safari if I was positive that I would be safe. I know I'm supposed to pick, but I can't. I'd have to do some more research on this one.


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