Friday, February 08, 2008


I really hate to see the MI-5 “die”, so I’ve taken it upon myself to write the questions for this week. These questions are completely unrelated, and they should be really easy. Therefore, no one should have an excuse not to answer them!!!

1. Do you prefer crushed ice or ice cubes in your drinks?

When we first visited Dawn in Virginia, I fell in love with her refrigerator. I loved the crushed ice feature! Crushed ice definitely became a favorite. I was really excited when I found out that Tim Horton's uses crushed ice. When I started drinking Tab, though, I often kept my box of cans in the washroom because there wasn't room in the fridge. The crushed ice melted much more quickly in the warm soda, so I went back to ice cubes. So, here's my decision: I like crushed ice for the way it feels against my lips and in my mouth, but I like ice cubes for the non-watered-down flavor. What a long answer, huh???

2. Do you chew gum? If so, what is your favorite gum?

I do chew gum. I used to be a really, really good snapper, and would drive everyone crazy with it. Since I've 2 of my bottom teeth (one on each side), I haven't really been able to snap, and I miss that. My favorite gum is, hands down, Orbit Bubble Mint.

3. What book are you reading right now? Do you like it?

For my devotions, I'm reading "Bad Girls of the Bible" by Liz Curtis Higgs. I love it. This is the second book I've read in this series, and I have only three chapters left, so I need to order the next one ("Really Bad Girls of the Bible"). For pleasure reading (which only occurs in the bathroom) I'm reading "Remember" by Karen Kingsbury and Gary Smalley. This is the second book in the series, and I'm really liking it. The first book was "Redemption", and it mirrored my life so much it was scarey.

4. What is the last thing you have done creatively?

I spent some time yesterday rubber-stamping some word-watching sheets for the pre-teen church kids. Nothing really creative. The last crocheting I did was last weekend, when I made Eben a skull cap with his school colors. It had a basketball on the top.

5. What song seems to be running through your head a/k/a an “earworm”?

At the moment, I don't have an earworm, but that's unusual. I tend to wake up in the night singing in my head. Lately, I've had "Wonderwall" by Oasis going through my head, as well as a song from Carrie Underwood's new CD. I can't remember which one it was. It might have been the "All American Girl" one.


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