Man. I haven't posted a "real post" in forever. I guess that's because I'm spending all of my time on Facebook, and I figure that you guys don't need to read the same thing twice.
Things have been very busy around these parts lately. I'm working at the office now, about 20 hours per week. I LOVE going to the office. It's like hanging out with my best friends. My boss is absolutely fantastic, and I didn't know that I would ever find a job that I actually looked forward to going to. The office is very relaxed (even though we are screaming busy). My boss's puppy, Franklin, a German Shepherd, is in the office with us during the day, and that adds a sense of "family atmosphere" and fun to the office. I just can't tell you how much I enjoy it. Anita is very accommodating with my schedule (both for the kids' sake, and for the sake of all of Dwane's doctor's appointments). Of course, my best friend, Alice, works there, too. I could go on and on.
Dwane's doctors appointments also go on and on. I think that we finally have reached a point where the doctor's agree that there is "something" going on in his back as a result of the spinalstenosis, degenerative disc disease and arthritis. The issue now is really whether or not that all rises to the level of needing surgery. Dwane is still, for the most part, able to do what he needs and/or wants to do. Obviously, if he uses his back more (like building the garage) his back becomes more painful, but it's not like he's confined to bed or anything. It will be nice, though, to come to some conclusion with it all, because sometimes it seems like it "rules" our life.
The garage is coming along. It's a huge garage, if you haven't seen it. (There are pictures on Facebook---I'm on Facebook as "Lisa Batty Wight" just in case you didn't already know that.) I think the garage is twice as tall as our house, and it will actually hold 4 vehicles. There will be a FROG (finished room over garage) upstairs (although not accessible from the house) and then an attic on top of that. I can't wait to have all of that storage available. It will be nice to have my home like a home instead of a storage unit. :)
Last weekend, my "little" brother Michael got married. He and Jessica had been dating for like 5 years, and they finally tied the knot. It is obvious that they both adore each other, and I am very proud of them both. They have both been given some challenges in the past, but they have risen above it all. I am pleased to call Jessica my sister, and I am so happy to see Michael so happy. Ok. I'm crying now.
My cousin, Mindy, got married two weeks ago. She had a beautiful "sunflower" wedding at Beaver Lodge. The bridesmaids' dresses were so beautiful---a beautiful pale YELLOW (I loved the shade), and the maid of honor was in brown (sunflower colors!). It was so cold!!! Didn't really matter, though. Mindy was beautiful, and she is also very happy.
Mom is in the process of moving from the family "homestead" up the road a piece. She has bought a brand-new manufactured home, and it is beautiful. It's been a long journey for her, and I know she will be so glad when everything is settled. Bill & Sue will be moving into the "family home", and Michael and Jess will be living next door to Mom. That means Mom and her three kids will all be living within 3 miles of each other. Some would think that's a little close, but I think that we can all honestly say that we are very happy with it. We are all very supportive of each other and like to "keep a watchful eye" on Mom.
Caleb is LOVING school. He tends to be a little upset on the weekends because he can't go to school. He loves his teachers, Ms. Thompson and Mrs. Cook. His speech is coming along nicely (although it's still behind), but his teachers told me that they are not having any problems understanding him. Ms. Thompson told me that he is a "model student" and that he is very quick to obey. That's always good to hear. He is assigned math homework each Moday, which is to be turned in on Friday. It consists of about 5 pages of stuff to do. He comes in the door on Monday afternoons, sits at the table, and finishes it all. He does it all on his own. It's like he's almost addicted to math homework. Caleb will be going to the Cub Scout kick-off on Monday night, and he's very excited to be a Tiger Scout.
Eben is gearing up for basketball season. He is also a good student (although he likes to do everything on "fast-forward" and sometimes doesn't take the time he needs to get it done really well). His teachers call him a "leader". Let's pray that Eben can be a GOOD and ENCOURAGING leader. He's losing his interest in Boy Scouts somewhat, and I'm not sure he will be pursuing that as much this year. He always has fun when he goes, but it's like he just doesn't want to put the time into badge work, etc. He's been having a lot of fun fishing of late. Dwane's been taking him from time to time, and he's also gone a couple of times with Zach or Kristin.
Now that I'm working, I certainly don't have as much "time" as I used to. I haven't scrapbooked in ages. I am having a benefit crop for a friend of mine who lost all of her scrapbook stuff in a house fire a month or so ago. It will be the afternoon of November 7. If you can come, or place an outside order, please let me know.
I'm still pursuing my weight loss journey. I've lost about 40 pounds since June of 2008. I'd like to lose about 35 more pounds. Exercising has been tough lately---I hurt my heel during a Zumba class a month or so ago, and then the following week, I stepped in a hole outside and twisted my ankle. The ankle had been feeling better, but last night it was really achy and a little swollen. I'm not sure what might be going on with that. No bruising. Not a lot of swelling, but enough that you can see the difference in the two ankles. I can walk on it, usually without a limp, but it's aching pretty steadily.
We have revival services going on at church this weekend. Last night's service was really, really good, and tonight we are having a concert at 6:30. Bob Smith (from Alabama) will be performing. Man, oh man! Can that guy sing! What a talent God has gifted him with! Sunday morning at 11:00 AM Dr. Ron Harrod (from Huntsville, AL)will be speaking about family, parenting, and marriage.
Tomorrow is my week to prepare the Sunday dinner for the "Batty Family". I'm going to be putting together an Italian Wedding Soup today, and I have a new recipe for a chocolate layer cake that I am going to try. Dwane is working all day at Point Lookout, so after cooking and laundry, I may try to do a little scrapbooking, or at least try to get it my stuff a little organized so I can perhaps scrapbook during the race tonight.
Well, I guess that's it. I've taken so much time typing, that I'm not going to take the time to proofread this. Goodness only knows how many typos I may have in this.
Love to you all!!!
Wow! I am up to date now!
10:09 AM
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