Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Ok--this is going to sound really stupid to just about everyone (except perhaps my cousins Melanie and Lisa--and then only if they watch Heroes), but I just had a lightbulb moment this morning. I was watching last night's Heroes and it struck me that Noah Bennett was played by Jack Coleman. Who is Jack Coleman? He played Jake Kositcheck on Days of Our Lives way back in the day. (Back when Lisa, Melanie & I would watch DOOL together during summer vacation.) Like I said, it was waaaaay back in the day. Once I made the connection in my mind, I could see the face of Jake in my mind. (On DOOL, he was a bad guy I think---He was married to personality disorder Jessica and was a rapist.) Anyway, there's my A-HA moment for today. Now if I could just figure out who is the actual "bad guy" on Heroes. Is it Noah? Is it Mohinder? Is it Andrea Petrelli? Someone help me please!!! (I missed several episodes and fear I may have missed something big--anyone out there watch it?)


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