I am getting ready to go on a bus trip to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, with my Mom. I’ve tried to come up with some “Tennessee”-type questions.
1. Graceland is in Memphis, Tennessee. I won’t be going there, but what are your feelings about Elvis?
Well, I kindda like the younger Elvis. I don't really care for the older, larger, under-the-influence Elvis. Some of his music I like (Suspicious Minds), some I don't (Hound Dog). I think I'm a little more of a fan of Priscilla and Lisa Marie, although I still wouldn't call myself a "fan". I did read a book called Elvis and Me, which I think Priscilla wrote. It was actually a pretty good book.
2. I will be visiting the Smoky Mountain National Park. Which National Parks have you been to? What did you think?
I think the only National Park I have been to is Acadia. I LOVE going to Acadia. One of my favorite spots in the whole world is there--Bubble Pond. So peaceful. I just love it.
3. I will also get to go to Dollywood, an Entertainment Park. Have you been to any amusement parks? Which one was your favorite? Do you like roller coasters? Tell me about the scariest roller coaster (or other ride) that you have been on.
I have been to Story Land and Santa's Village, if they count. For larger parks, I have been to Busch Gardens in Tampa and Williamsburg, King's Dominion in Richmond, VA, Magic Kingdom in Disney World, Great Escape in Lake George, NY, and Six Flags New England in MA. My favorite is Busch Gardens in Williamsburg. Dwane and I went to Disney World for a weekend, after being married for a week. (He won the trip selling vacuum cleaners.) I didn't care for it so much, but I think I would love it now that I have children. We just really liked the bigger rids, and Magic Kingdom just didn't have it. Speaking of roller coasters, I have been on quite a few. I'd never be able to name them. I don't think I would say that I like them, but I do like to have bragging rights to say that I went on it and survived. Usually, I ride them with my eyes closed almost the entire time. The first coaster that I was able to leave my eyes open for the entire time was The Hurler, a woodie at King's Dominion. (It had a "Wayne's World" theme.) I think I like the Comet at Great Escape the best.
4. My Mom and I will be taking in a lot of variety-type shows featuring music and comedy. Most of the music seems to be billed as “Gospel, Bluegrass, and Americana music”. Do you like this type of music? If so, recommend a CD to me.
I love gospel, if we're speaking of Southern Gospel. I love that a whole lot. I don't know a whole lot about bluegrass. I think that Vince Gill does some, and I like him, as does Ricky Scaggs. Another one I like is the girl that sings with Union Station. Oh, what is her name??? I can't think of it. Oh, well.
5. This will be the furthest I have gone by bus or car. How far have you gone in a bus or car? Where did you go? If you were not doing the driving, how did you pass the time? (I’m considering buying a Nintendo DS, a Playstation Portable, or a Game Boy Advance to pass the time on the bus—anyone have any recommendations about any of those?)
The furthest I have gone by car is Concord, North Carolina (a Nascar race). Actually, the big part of the trip was from Maine to Lynchburg, VA, where we spent a few days, and then went on to NC. Dwane does most of the driving, but I have to pretty much watch him constantly. He has been known to fall asleep while driving, so I watch him like a hawk. I don't know why I just don't drive myself. When I feel relatively sure that he'll stay awake, I like to read magazines the most. Dwane did buy me a PSP this week--he had a friend that was selling his, so we got it really cheap. It plays movies, games, music, and you can even hook up to the internet with it. Pretty cool. I wonder if I'll ever be able to figure out how to use it. (I can't get it away from Dwane.)
6. We will also get to do a lot of outlet shopping. Do you like outlet shopping? What outlets are your favorites?
I like going through the outlets, but I don't buy much. I really like the Settlers Green in NH. And there was a good outlet place that we visited when we went to Niagara Falls. That place had book and toy outlets. Since books and toys are my weakness, I thought that was quite great. Usually, though, outlets carry more expensive brands, so even though they are discounted prices, they are still more expensive than Wal-Mart. And I won't spend more than $5 on a shirt, whether it's Wal-Mart, Liz Claiborne, or Tommy Hilfiger.