Friday, September 23, 2005

For Dad's funeral, we bought a heart-shaped wreath of pretty pink fresh flowers, with a ribbon that said "Grampy". (We got pink flowers because we knew Julia loved pink.) I picked up the heart form at the cemetery yesterday (which was a lot harder for me than I ever thought it would be), and today I removed the flowers that had gone past their prime. I picked up $15 worth of autumn silk flowers at Wal-Mart and filled in the form. While being far from a floral designer, I have to say I'm quite proud of myself. I think Dad would be impressed. Looks quite nice for $15.

I have had INXS going through my head all summer, because of that CBS show, "Rockstar: INXS", which Dwane and I both watched faithfully. I picked up their Greatest Hits this week, and I've really enjoyed listening to it. Although the music is probably not "authentic" enough for my brother, I kinnda like the beat. I also read up on their former lead singer, Michael Hutchence. Boy. What a death for him. Quite creepy. And now INXS has an equally creepy lead singer. JD Fortune. He was my least favorite of the final 3. (I was hoping for MiG.) Marty Casey was a little weird when he performed, but you knew it was a performance. JD Fortune, on the other hand, is just weird all the way around. He makes me want to take a shower. He needs his teeth fixed, his hair fixed, some un-Dracula-type jewelry, and a clothing stylist. And please, get rid of that wallet chain that hangs down past JD's knee. EEEEWWW!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

JD creepy? Mig -I have to say is the one that gave me the creeps. No one is that laid back and still has a pulse.

2:11 PM


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