Paddy's MI-5
Given that Thanksgiving will be just a plump, pleasant memory by next Friday, I give you a Turkey-day themed 5:
1) What is your favorite part of your traditional Thanksgiving meal?
Turkey, of course! I also enjoy the mashed potato, stuffing, and Aunt Ginny's chocolate cream pie. And, you know what? That's all I eat. No squash. No turnip. No onions. No pumpkin pie. Nope. Just those four items. Sometimes a roll. But that's it.
2) You can never have too much turkey ... but what do you do to "work it off?" Touch football? Walk with family? Sleep it off on the couch? Play board games?
Definitely take a nap. I've never even pondered the other options. Perhaps I should...Ok. All pondered. I think I'll still take a nap.
3) Are your family Noon, Afternoon or Evening diners? Would you rather have it different?
Generally, speaking, I think we normally have our big meal right around noontime. I like it that way. I think if I was going to change anything, I would tweak the timing just a little so that our stomachs might have time to regroup and maybe have an opportunity to go to Dwane's Dad's house for a late supper. Just so we could be with both families on the same day.
4) Was there one particular Thanksgiving that you spent that was particularly memorable? Good or bad ... happy or sad ... elaborate.
I don't know that I can think of one specific one. I do like the story about Uncle Ade thinking he was going to die because he ate turnip. I love that Uncle Ashley always wants to have bread. I love the "when I was a boy" stories that Dad, Unk, Uncle Ash and Father used to tell.
5) What is the one thing that you are most thnkful for this year?
Probably that we made it through the year. September 05 to September 06 was really, really, really hard. I wouldn't call it "easy" now by a long, long shot, but I'm glad to have a year behind me.
I'm also very thankful that God always, always provides. With Dwane changing jobs, and me changing jobs, we knew it was going to be "tight" financially. But--our bills have always been paid on time, there is always food on the table, and I'm still able to spoil my kids to some degree. Dwane gets bonuses and commissions at just the right time, and I know that it's no coincidence.