We went to Portland again on Saturday. We needed to drop off more Kirby stuff in Westbrook, pick up a car part in Westbrook, and pick up Dwane's suit pants at S&K. I also wanted to stop at a specialty store to pick up a birthday present for Michael. After Portland, we went to Auburn, were we ate lunch at Roy's Steakburgers. A train was going by as we were going in, so Caleb really enjoyed that stop. They have much longer trains in Auburn than they do in Rockland. After lunch, we went to Wal-Mart, then headed home. Dwane had to be at work at 4:00, and then he and Eben went to the Demolition Derby at the Union Fair. They got home just after 9:00 or so, and we watched the Nascar night race at Bristol. (They best one of the year.) Chris Johnson was our guest speaker at church Sunday morning. He's very young. I would guess about my brother Bill's age. I really love his speaking. Caleb and I both had colds, so we missed lunch at my parents. Eben ended up with a fever last night (Monday night). It was between 100 and 101. His only complaint was a little headache. I gave him some Motrin, and we headed into town to do a couple of quick errands, since I knew that I wouldn't be in town today. (Eben can't play with the Bingo Babes if he has even a hint of sickness.) Uncle Mike went with us to town. Eben seems to be fine today. No fever. No complaints of anything. Eben's very odd when it comes to illnesses. It seems that he's sick for a total of one hour, and then it's all over with. Very rarely does it last more than a morning or afternoon. Maybe he's got a good immune system, and while Caleb and I had 4 days of cold, Eben just had a fever for an hour. I hope that's all it was. First day of school is tomorrow!
Very Well-Rounded
You have: 62% SCIENTIFIC INTUITION and 62% EMOTIONAL INTUITION | The graph on the right represents your place in Intuition 2-Space. As you can see, you scored above average on emotional intuition and above average on scientific intuition. (Weirdly, your emotional and scientific intuitions are equally strong.) |  http://is0.okcupid.com/graphics/intuition/ig22.gif"> | > Your%20Emotional%20Intuition%20score%20is%20a%20measure%20of%20how%20well%20you%20understand%20people,%20especially%20their%20unspoken%20needs%20and%20sympathies.%20A%20high%20score%20score%20usually%20indicates%20social%20grace%20and%20persuasiveness.%20A%20low%20score%20usually%20means%20you' test! Scientific" face="verdana" TABLE> <><><> FONT><> Your at good re>The'>http://www.okcupid.com/tests/take?testid=17565214125862764376">The 3 Variable Funny Test It rules.
| |
My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender: | You scored higher than 32% on Scientific | | You scored higher than 28% on Interpersonal |
Ugh! I just typed a long post, and Blogger couldn't find my Blog to post it! What's up with that! Anyway--it was just an update. I'll try one more time-- On Friday we went to the Portland area to do some errands: had to return a Kirby to Westbrook, pick up a motorcycle part in Topsham, and go to S&K in South Portland to get some suits for Dwane. Dwane gets a $350 annual clothing allowance, and S&K had a sale: 2 suit coats, 4 pants, 2 shirts, 2 ties for $350. We just needed to pay for the tailoring. Now we have to go back to pick up the pants. Saturday was pretty much an ordinary day. Dwane had to do a wedding at the Samoset in the afternoon. Eben worked with him. After the wedding, they left to go to the Wiscasset Raceway. Unfortunately, the races were canceled because of light rain. The main reason for this trip, though, was to pick up the popcorn fundraiser paperwork for the Cub Scouts, and they were still able to do that. When they got home, we played "Cadoo". What a fun game! I highly recommend it. On Sunday we were able to have our family lunch at Mom & Dad's. Mom served it "Buffet Style" so that we could eat in the living room (with Dad) or at the table. It worked out really well, I think. Plus--we didn't exhaust Dad. That evening, Mom took Dad out for a walk in his wheelchair. They went to Aunt Karen's and down to the store. Dad said it was sure good to get some fresh air. Yesterday Eben had his date with the Bingo Babes at Knox Center. He gets to go one more time before school starts next Wednesday. We met Dwane at McDonald's for lunch, and then did some errands for Mom & Dad. For supper last night Dwane had some lamb shoulder chops (which he loved), I had steak, and we also had farfalle and corn on the cob (which was outstanding!). I have to tell you--we got a steamer a couple of years ago, and I used it all the time--especially in the summer for corn on the cob. It just doesn't get any better. I also use the steamer for hot dogs & rolls, rice, and potatoes. I love it!
Eben wanted everyone to know that he learned to tie his shoes today. Actually, he learned to tie them quite some time ago (over a year ago), but had been out of practice and needed to re-learn. After 5 minutes of pratice this AM, he can now do it with his eyes closed. He now gets new Batman tie-sneakers for school. He's very proud. And bouncing off the walls.
AMY'S PLAY-ALONG 1. Put your name in my comments, and I'll respond with something random about you. I'll respond in the comments section. 2. I'll tell you what song or movie reminds me of you. 3. I'll pick a color/flavor of Jello to wrestle with you in. 4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me. 5. I'll tell you my first memory of you. 6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of. 7. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you. 8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your Blog. You MUST. It is written. What BILLY RHYTHM said about LISA: 2. "You've Got a Friend" 3. Plain, Unflavored Gelatin 4. "I did NOT eat the Dorritos." 5. The house fire? Riding to school? I can't really think of the 1st memory. 6. Teddy Bear 7. Any more kids? What LISA said about BILLY RHYTHM: 2. "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" 3. Do they make grape Jello. (I say this only because it's purple.) 4. "Billy, take action!" 5. When you were born, Aunt Ginny took me to Mammoth Mart to have my pictures taken while you and Mom were still in the hospital. I had to hold an umbrella, which seemed extremely heavy. Not sure if this counts, as I remember the picture-taken, as opposed to you, but it was definitely centered around your birth. 6. You don't remind me of a tarantula, but a tarantula reminds me of you. A hermit crab is the same way. 7. How did you get so smart?
Dad finally got home from the hospital yesterday. Yay! He says he feels much better being in his own surroundings, eating Mom's cooking, and having his own chair. Mom and Dad have put a hospital bed in the living room to make it easier for Dad to get around. (Right now, Dad's legs are still very weak, and he "shuffles" to get around.) I'm just glad he's home. I've been busy the last couple of days doing some Close to My Heart(tm) scrapbook/card making stuff. Last night I prepared for a workshop that claims you can make 10 scrapbook pages in an hour. "Sure!", I thought. Actually, I finished it in 45 minutes. It was very quick, very fun, and the pages look really nice, too. I used an autumn theme that will be good for Thanksgiving, school, apple picking, etc., pictures. Today I worked on a card making workshop that makes 8 cards. I used a pink and black color combination (the hottest thing right now) with used butterflies and dragonflies. I wasn't sure about black butterflies, but actually, it looks quite nice. Now I just need to find some people that would like to do some of these workshops!
Dad's surgery went very well. It took place yesterday (Tuesday), late morning. Dr. Leathers performed the surgery. He said it was successful and that the rod went into place very well. Dad's arm had actually broken in the couple of days before surgery. Man! What a trooper! I can't imagine going around with a broken arm for a couple of days. And, my Dad never complains. If you ask him, he'll tell you the truth--that it hurts--but he is never complaining about it. Plus--his sense of humor never leaves him. Mitch Ross from the Spruce Head Community Church, Donna Dancer from the South Somerville Baptist Church and Rev. Reinhardt from St. Bernard's Catholic Church all came in to Dad's room to pray with us. That was so special and meaningful, especially since we are currently without a pastor. When Dad was being taken back into his room, he looked at my mother and winked at her. I lost it. Prayers going up for Dana Reeves...
Prayers are needed for my Dad. He's in the hospital. He was admitted this morning with two issues: His "blood was way down", which necessitated a transfusion; and, we thought he had a fractured shoulder as a result of a fight he had with a garage door a couple of weeks ago. Actually, though, the cancer has eaten his shoulder away, and he will need surgery. They will place a plate or a rod, depending on how things look when they actually get inside. We anticipate surgery will take place on Sunday or Monday, after his body has had enough time to take in the transfusion. All of Dad's doctors are actually pretty optimistic about the surgery. (Or, maybe that's just what I'm choosing to hear.) On a happier note, though, the new trial medication is now available for Dad. Once he has recovered from his surgery, he'll go to Boston to start that. It's in a pill form that he'll take at home every day, instead of being an infusion. Because it's a trial, it will be free. (The Avastin he was on was like $30,000+ a month.) The doctors are very optimistic about this new drug. All I really know is that my God is still in the miracle business.
Eben is doing well in his Reading Camp. He really loves it. He's been cooking: scrambled eggs, pancakes, and popcorn. He's been crafting: sock puppet, painting lupines. Dwane only worked half days on Monday and Tuesday. We spent those afternoons looking for a truck. We found on in Bangor late Monday, after the dealership had closed, so we had to go back on Tuesday to check it out. Dwane loved it. It's a 1996 GMC Sierra 4x4 with extended cab. It's green in color. It's got high miles, but still 50,000 less than our last truck. And--it's so nice to buy a vehicle outright, without needing a loan. (We could only do that because Dwane sold his Lincoln.) We did have septic clog problems yet again on Monday morning. Dwane dug up around the septic line, and couldn't find any apparent problem with the pipe. (We thought maybe we had a ruptured pipe.) Dwane had bought some sort of thing you attach to the end of your garden hose, thread it down the pipe, and then it pulsates water at the clog to push it through. Apparently, that has worked, as we haven't had any problems since. Dwane didn't re-fill the hole in the ground, however, just in case. Going to Mom and Dad's for lunch to have her "famous macaroni and cheese with melted Vermont cheddar cheese" (in Eben's words). Mom's going to cut my bangs while I'm there. Yay! They're driving me nuts.
